A Group Forms

MONDAY, JULY 20, 1981, 5:55 AM

You are slow this morning, o son, in hearing and in turning your attention to Me. I am here, and quite willing to talk about the venture begun yesterday, which shall be the first of many that shall explore and come to better relationships with Me through the medium of you and these teachings.

The group formed yesterday… a couple of surprises, plus those previously known to be of like spirit. There were the usual differences of feeling expressed about how the group should proceed, but fortunately you had followed My leading and were ready with a tentative plan and a teaching for the day. You also expressed the truth about telling stories as the best way of relating spirits; continue to emphasize this… and show how this works with your own example. This shall not be unalloyed success, but it shall be an important new beginning.

Be particularly aware of the approaches you try in the formation of this study group. Appreciate those that seem to succeed and those that are not productive. Each group shall be different, so there will be no easy, universal way to organize and achieve progress along the path, but be willing to try some variety of techniques, particularly those I suggest.

A student group may be next in the forming. Do not resist any overtures. Be obviously open to leading such a group of young seekers. You do not yet have the feel for how it should develop… and it is not up to you to initiate the proposal. Just let it be known that this first group has formed, and there is a “way” developing. Then follow up and do your part.

The opportunity coming up this next Saturday is a unique one that shall have an effect on the formation of groups in the future. You have the chance to talk about this that We do together in the context of research and, also, programs. One of the areas of your leadership shall be in attempting to bring credibility to research involving non-statistical techniques… and even including use of data such as these. You are now “tapped into” a great and eternal source of truth… even Truth. I am quite willing to give you information and help you develop concepts. Be aware of how I teach… repetition, reinforcing, and lots of examples from the world you inhabit. Others can use these teachings for many research purposes. Still others may learn to “tap in” also and offer you all yet other revelations that shall help in understanding life and health. The possibilities are tremendous.

MONDAY, JULY 20, 1981, 5:55 AM

You are slow this morning, o son, in hearing and in turning your attention to Me. I am here, and quite willing to talk about the venture begun yesterday, which shall be the first of many that shall explore and come to better relationships with Me through the medium of you and these teachings.

The group formed yesterday… a couple of surprises, plus those previously known to be of like spirit. There were the usual differences of feeling expressed about how the group should proceed, but fortunately you had followed My . . .

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