A Handicap

FRI., JULY 17, 1998, 6:17 AM

Your left hand does not work as it should. Yesterday you had it examined by yet another professional physician, and the unsatisfactory but expected result was… “more tests”. You probably shall have these, but you must increasingly consider the prognosis of a permanent handicap. The dysfunction has not increased in the last few months, and you have gained some strength… and learned how it will work, in some new ways.

So… you have the latest in medical judgment. What do I, Holy Spirit, have to say about this “downer” in your life? Mostly what you’d expect, but I need to say it. This is a late-in-life, continuing challenge to your spirit. You have had few of such challenges in your life. This is one you must continue to face, aware of what I say it is and appreciative of the good that can from it.

Your analogy to “this old house” is an apt one. There was a major remodeling to this abode of yours 27 years ago, but the basic structure goes back… like 100 years? The windows to your left go back 50 years, as do many of the others around the house. As you try to “fix things up” other deteriorations appear. You “live with” an increasing number of these, but it is your home… and a fine one, still.

Your body has served you well during, now over 72 years… 2 more than 3 score and 10. You have a right foot that doesn’t work perfectly, but you have adapted… to the loss of muscle function and to the numbness. It doesn’t seem to have progressed, and you have had the recommended surgery. Now it remains… a slight handicap to full functioning… that once was.

Your eyesight is adequate, with the glasses that you have worn now for over 25 years or so. It still is troublesome when you can’t read fine print and appreciate “details”, but you have adapted to this handicap, technologically. Your hearing is also diminishing, and you don’t use your aids as you should… in situations such as yesterday’s physician encounter. You probably shall not wear them “automatically”, as you do your glasses, but they do help adapt to this handicap, and… you have them.

Your sexual functioning is disappointing, certainly, and you haven’t done much to try to recapture this good aspect of life. It will have to be a “joint venture” (adventure?) with Lenore and it’s about time to attempt some recouping. This is not a visible handicap, to “the world”, but it is a pleasure that you both miss.

Yet… you do still function, as an elderly person, in some good, even commendable ways. You led the worship service last Sunday in ways that are unique to you. You perform your writing tasks, including the one We share, quite well, and you should be proud of these. Your spirit, influenced by Me, urges you to focus more on what you still can accomplish rather than on what is… or seems… lost. You can still function adequately in keeping this Farm “in shape”, and this is a labor of love. Do it with this sort of spirit.

Each day, see what you can do, rather than what you can’t. See the blessings that you still have… and that come anew… rather than what you are losing. Adaptation is still truly important to health, and your body, mind, and spirit still can make good adaptations. Continue to be… adaptive.

Hear again what I have told you repeatedly, over Our years together: As your body and your mind diminish in function your spirit can… and should… increase in its influence on your life. Spirit is the everlasting essence of “you”, so its growth and maturity can increase, as these other, earthly, facets decline. You know that your life will continue, when this body and mind give up what becomes a struggle. Accept this. Let it happen. Do all that you can to encourage spirit to become dominant. As this happens the reality of handicaps fades. A handicap becomes a unique way for spirit to increase in its influence.

FRI., JULY 17, 1998, 6:17 AM

Your left hand does not work as it should. Yesterday you had it examined by yet another professional physician, and the unsatisfactory but expected result was… “more tests”. You probably shall have these, but you must increasingly consider the prognosis of a permanent handicap. The dysfunction has not increased in the last few months, and you have gained some strength… and learned how it will work, in some new ways.

So… you have the latest in medical judgment. What do I, Holy Spirit, have to say about this “downer” in your . . .

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