A Happy New Year?

SUN., DEC. 31, 1995, 6:10 AM

Yesterday’s Teaching, focused on My dilemma as the sustainer of this earth, was not exactly a Happy New Year tract. The dilemma is a real one, and I am responsible for it. I compared it to your nation’s dilemma with balancing the federal budget, a “like unto” problem, except… in your representative democracy no one person can be held responsible. Oh, I can list many factors behind this growth in the human populations, but all of these I ultimately control.

You humans love babies (well, most of you), and even small children. Adolescents have promise for developing into fully functioning adults but also the possibilities of rebellion, lack of ambition, and harm-causing behaviors. Your culture, increasingly, has no real place for some of its youth and young adults… and some older folk who would prefer continuing work are retired, without sufficient means for the life style they’d prefer.

You are fortunate in this regard… one basic for seeing 1996 as a Happy New Year. You shall be 70 years old, but you have not been forced to retire, and so for this year ahead and some of the next you shall have students, in classes you like and are good at teaching, to encourage in the learning processes… and to enjoy. You are on the “off ramp” in your profession, so you can modify some of your requirements, but also realize that you will miss reading student papers, when your time in the classroom is over.

Most of your students will find jobs that are reasonably satisfying and rewarding. But you realize that an increasing number of the babies being born and the children starting to school will not have such success. And, sadly, some of these are children of parents, or a parent, who had not been successful, in work… but, more importantly, as a loving person.

As Gary said so poignantly before his death, “This earth is a scary place to be… but love is the answer”. You can’t be commanded to love, but the more students, colleagues, and friends you can feel real love for the happier your new year will be… despite My dilemma. My best indirect method of keeping this earth scene as one of which I’m proud is loving persons and encouraging each to love a little more than they normally do.

Love is “expected God behavior”, but it also compounds My people dilemma. How can I not prevent an airliner from crashing, carrying to their death many people who loved and are loved? How can I let wars begin and continue, in which loving people, including children and youth (not yet of child-bearing age or status) are killed? How can I but encourage medical and public health systems that prolong the lives of those who love and are loved? Oh, it’s easy to say that I “set up the system” and now it just proceeds on, with humans in charge. I want humans to make the choices that shall preserve this earth for future generations… and I do want this. But when I foresee the destruction that 100 million more humans each year can bring about I have choices to make. I still have the Power. Any that I have given over to others I can retake.

What shall I allow or cause this new year that shall reduce this increase? You are not a prophet who has specific warnings to proclaim. You are not spiritually advanced enough to discern much beyond what I tell you in these Teachings. But I do want you to know of My dilemma. You share some of yours with Me. I reciprocate.

SUN., DEC. 31, 1995, 6:10 AM

Yesterday’s Teaching, focused on My dilemma as the sustainer of this earth, was not exactly a Happy New Year tract. The dilemma is a real one, and I am responsible for it. I compared it to your nation’s dilemma with balancing the federal budget, a “like unto” problem, except… in your representative democracy no one person can be held responsible. Oh, I can list many factors behind this growth in the human populations, but all of these I ultimately control.

You humans love babies (well, most of you), and . . .

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