A Healthy Earth?

WED., SEPT. 25, 1991, 5:37 AM

The reports and analyses of the “progress” of My earth and its myriad peoples are quite conflicting. Some suggest doomsday is approaching, for the damage that is being done is geometric in its action. It is too late to reverse the trends. Humankind is lost. And yet the human population continues to grow, so its food supply and other necessities must be sufficient. What do I, the Holy Spirit, have to say about this earth and its populations? Is there anything I haven’t said before? Hear, o son.

I’ll put it positively to you. The earth will be healthier with a smaller total population. There will be no great single catastrophe, like unto the mythical flood. Individual deaths will be mourned, of course, but there will be a general acceptance of stability rather than growth. There must be a “next generation” of babies and small children, so, while many possible conceptions will be prevented, this cannot be the only way to stability. Deaths at all ages must be the balance to lowered conception.

People must move from regions that will no longer support numbers, for then that earth can regenerate itself. I have no master plan for this. I just shall observe as it happens, and shall bolster the spirits of many who must move because of deterioration. On this Farm you have an ample supply of wood for heat. In some places there soon shall be insufficient fuel with which to cook and to heat. It is finally not practical to transport necessities to where people are. The balancing must come about in less entropic ways.

This suggests that the great cities of the earth, which grow larger each year, must shrink, for better health. I see not great and mighty exodus, but, first, just a slowing of growth and then gradual dispersion. I have no master plan for this, either. I am little concerned with the economics and politics of the various population groups – except where these give some too much advantage over others. Remember, always, that while I, as Jesus, had concern for the poor and the oppressed, for widows and orphans, I was not willing to lead a movement to remove those in power and reign over a perfect system. Given humans, as I have created them, a diverse lot certainly, there can be no perfect balanced system.

It is not healthy that wars erupt and are continued. And yet wars produce change that would have been slower to come if peace had prevailed. The Middle East is an unhealthy area in many ways, and yet I see many families, Christian, Jewish, and Moslem, who live their lives in quiet, gentle ways, almost oblivious to the political and religious posturing which is the news of the day. I see much healthy living “on the banks” and I encourage you to see this, as well.

There are some dedicated Christians who wait in morbid eagerness for a final battle that shall rid the earth of evil. This is a possibility that I have offered in Holy Scripture, but as I contemplate such an occurrence I conclude, “What then?” The earth would be no different than other realms, and that seems redundant. Further, if such a battle took place in the Middle East what effect would that have on villages in Peru, in Samoa, in India… even Cobden? Most villagers in the earth would not even be aware of such. For you, it could have an annoying effect. So hear that I have no plans to instigate that predicted battle.

WED., SEPT. 25, 1991, 5:37 AM

The reports and analyses of the “progress” of My earth and its myriad peoples are quite conflicting. Some suggest doomsday is approaching, for the damage that is being done is geometric in its action. It is too late to reverse the trends. Humankind is lost. And yet the human population continues to grow, so its food supply and other necessities must be sufficient. What do I, the Holy Spirit, have to say about this earth and its populations? Is there anything I haven’t said before? Hear, o son.

I’ll . . .

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