A Heart Not Troubled

TUES., AUG. 8, 1995, 6:40 AM

Your study/discussion tomorrow morning now begins to focus on the heart of John’s Gospel, the discourse with the disciples before My arrest and crucifixion, as Jesus. It commences with “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” Thus the initial emphasis is on the insignificance of physical death. Contrast that with the attitude displayed in the television story last evening, which represented your humanistic culture: do everything possible to extend earth life, for death is to be avoided, at any cost. Anyone who does anything to cause that death is to feel guilty and is to be shunned and castigated by those related to the one who died.

No, o son, there are many “rooms” or realms in the vast spiritual domain that is Mine to reign over. Life shall surely continue, in the realm that shall be best for your spirit, in and for its development. This should be seen as an exciting, desirable transition, rather than one to be postponed, whatever the side effects.

You have noticed that in many of the Teachings to you I have spoken, in the first person, as Jesus and, in other contexts as the Father God and Almighty God. I identify Myself as Holy Spirit, the Comforter promised by Jesus in this discourse. Yet I am One with Jesus and with the Father. When I speak I represent All of Us, who are both One and also Three.

Does this mean that other stories of Me, as a single, sovereign God, for example, are false? It is not a matter of being false, but of being the wrong story for you. My Triune story is the one for you, and I make it clearer to and for you than for many Christians when I come to you in this way, as Holy Spirit. Be appreciative of at least some of these other stories, for this is another meaning of the older term, “many mansions”.

Because I have both caused and allowed humans to develop with much variety in physical nature… and in language and patterns of thinking and acting… so I have allowed other stories of Me to compete, sometimes, with that which is best for you. And, as you know, while I extol these Holy Scriptures and urge you to study and be true to these, the story I have emphasized with you is another variation of the interpretation of this Basic Story called “fundamental” or “orthodox”.

This variation, of course, is that life is eternal and everlasting, which can mean that some portions of that life have been “lived” in the earth before “this one”, and that you could return again after the demise of this body. Why? In order for the soul that is your cumulative spirit to grow in wisdom and to be able to love more, as I am able.

Why didn’t I say this to the disciples in this discourse? I did, but it was just remembered as “many mansions”… and these are all related. If I am in you, and you in Me, then you also are in Me, as Jesus, and as God, the Father. The disciples couldn’t quite comprehend this, and neither can you… even as you are closer than some of them were.

With such a promise why should your heart ever be troubled? Should you be troubled by a seeming lack of money? by problems in your work setting? by national and world events? To let your heart be troubled by any of these is to show diminished faith in My promises to you.

TUES., AUG. 8, 1995, 6:40 AM

Your study/discussion tomorrow morning now begins to focus on the heart of John’s Gospel, the discourse with the disciples before My arrest and crucifixion, as Jesus. It commences with “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” Thus the initial emphasis is on the insignificance of physical death. Contrast that with the attitude displayed in the television story last evening, which represented your humanistic culture: do everything possible to extend earth life, for death is to be avoided, at any cost. Anyone who does anything to . . .

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