A Hot, Dry Day

FRI., JULY 23, 1999, 3:10 PM

Oh, it is humid, but without rain the ground dries under a hot sun, and the grass goes to brown. You know that one good rain can change all of this, but… it still remains mostly dry. It is not unpleasant, even if your “high tech” is only an electric fan (rather than A/C). You love warm weather, and your fan makes the breeze that pushes your reaction to “pleasant.”

Nearly every day you read something… or hear or see something… that reminds you that, considering the whole of this earth, you are quite blessed. Africans are dying of AIDS… and other more “normal” conditions… that test the strength and capacities of bodies to survive. Most of the people on this earth are poorer than you are, even as you don’t consider yourself as rich. So, are you truly and actually blessed, or are you just “better off” than the majority of your fellow humans?

Well, of course, being blessed is not just a matter of having money, resources, and material things. When you do have sufficient, or even an excess, of such… and you feel that you really haven’t “earned” these, objectively… then they can be considered “blessings”. OR… if you have “earned” what you have, but that the means for that earning was “given to you,” in whole or in part, then what you have is more like blessing… ( 3:26 / 4:04 ) OR… as I increasingly urge you to perceive life – when I have chosen you, and you have responded to My call, as I wish, then all of life is, truly, a blessing. As I tell you often, nothing could happen to you that could cause you to turn away from Me, for the blessings of this life of yours (Ours) just overshadow any “tragedy.”

This afternoon you “messed with” your Web TV and were able to read a number of short messages from members of your family who are “literate” in relation to the Web. You still don’t see this as an incredible “leap forward” in communication, for you haven’t developed, yet, the capacity to “compose” on a keyboard. You’ll never do it if you don’t try, and then work at it. But, as I’ve told you I’m satisfied with this mode we use, as quite adequate. Our friend, Andrea, can produce Teachings from Me directly on her keyboard… but you haven’t heard from her lately, so be insistent, on her Ruminations, that she tell you how she and I are, about now.

July will soon be pau, with then five months until the end of the century, and… What will computers do? Am I as pessimistic as son John Patrick… the end of the world as we know it? Well, not quite. I am counting on human adaptability, patience, and loving concern for one another to carry you through. If all that has been technologically developed will not survive, I shall not be perturbed. Much of what shall not function (at least for awhile) next year is not as necessary as many of you think. It will be an interesting time of adaptation and of deciding what is truly necessary for the continuing “good life,” as I define it.

Once more you have read about concern for the deaths and family disruptions caused by the AIDS virus. Of course, for many who suffer and die from this affliction it is just the “cost” of behavior of which I do not approve, directly or indirectly. Everyone who acts in a sexually promiscuous way is not infected, does not suffer and die (and perhaps that makes Me “unfair”), but some do… and this may be a push toward less promiscuity… and as a means, though a puny one, of hindering population growth.

FRI., JULY 23, 1999, 3:10 PM

Oh, it is humid, but without rain the ground dries under a hot sun, and the grass goes to brown. You know that one good rain can change all of this, but… it still remains mostly dry. It is not unpleasant, even if your “high tech” is only an electric fan (rather than A/C). You love warm weather, and your fan makes the breeze that pushes your reaction to “pleasant.”

Nearly every day you read something… or hear or see something… that reminds you that, considering the whole of this . . .

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