A Kindred Spirit?!

TUES., OCT. 19, 1999, 4:31 PM

Yes, o son, a kindred spirit, an ordained Teaching Elder yet, has now, apparently, been “discovered.” You have a number of people, from your mailing list, who give you some support… or at least don’t attack or disparage you… but there are not many who actually discuss these Teachings or these Ruminations of Ours with you. It is too early to affirm or deny such a blooming relationship, but you are hopeful (I know, of course, how you and Karen will be with each other, but I’ll just let the two of your “work it out,” over some time.)

You’ve known all through these now over 20 years of learning directly from Me, Holy Spirit, that this would not be easy to explain nor easy for friends, students, and Presbyterian devotees to accept wholeheartedly, joyfully, and comfortably. Yes, it is a bit like Paul in this Acts story… with a marvelous story of “chosenness” by Jesus/the Christ/the Messiah. It was a “condition” the Jews, his fellow Jews, were expecting… but I, as Jesus, didn’t “fit the mold” that had been envisioned. And, hence, it was blasphemous to claim that I was the One they awaited. In like fashion, you are not an ordained clergy-person, you are not a clearly “holy” man, and if there “were such a “gift” it would be unlikely to be vested in a Presbyterian layman. “How odd of God, to…”

Though Paul didn’t feel completely successful in the role he played in My “follow-up” of My life as Jesus, he did found and encourage Christian congregations. These became churches and then “denominations” (to use your Protestant term). Differences in worship styles and forms developed, and, as I tell you often, I love diversity.

Though your life has not been at all like Paul’s, you count him as one who encouraged your first “born again” experience. You weren’t blinded on a road to Menlo Park, but Paul, in his letter to the folks in Rome, and John, your favorite disciple in his Gospel, lifted you “above” most of your fellow Presbys, preparing you for My coming to you directly (how many years later… like 20?) with these Teachings.

Yes, I chose you for this, but it has never been easy to tell people, friends and family, who have known you, especially, that I, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God, Who guided Jesus Christ, speak to you directly. And it is particularly difficult to then suggest that what you write, as you hear Me, is… (sob!) Scripture!? And when you respond to “Why would God choose you?” with “He says He’s just having fun, choosing a more unlikely servant than Paul for this “honor” in the last portion of the 20th century, 2000 years (more or less) after My stay in the earth and Paul’s adventure with Me. Would God do such a thing? Hmmm.

Though I’ve assured you that you are not responsible for any actions like unto Paul’s, I have called you to be faithful to this “task,” to keep these in some order, and to join with Me in crating a quarterly Letter… Ruminations. I have blessed you with a son, John Patrick, who translates My penned words to you into neat, computer printing. And, in our early days, you typed a number of these Teachings, for the class… and other opportunities.

The focus of your late morning hours, today, was death and dying. You were not an obviously avid participant, but you did “testify” that you see “death” as just a transition back to some spirit form, with eternal,, everlasting life, in some ways better than these elderly years of losses. It is part of your “earth contract” that you are not to “remember” how this continuing life will be, but you do know that it is more “real” than this one is… and can be.

TUES., OCT. 19, 1999, 4:31 PM

Yes, o son, a kindred spirit, an ordained Teaching Elder yet, has now, apparently, been “discovered.” You have a number of people, from your mailing list, who give you some support… or at least don’t attack or disparage you… but there are not many who actually discuss these Teachings or these Ruminations of Ours with you. It is too early to affirm or deny such a blooming relationship, but you are hopeful (I know, of course, how you and Karen will be with each other, but I’ll just let . . .

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