A Lesson From Uncarved Block…

MAY 13, 1980, 5:17 AM

You are wary this morning, o son, for you think about these not just as lessons for you but as teachings to share. And those about whom you are most concerned are orthodox Christians who could be suspicious of anything that does not sound orthodox… particularly if it sounds Eastern. Well, o adaptable son, you shall have to use your judgment on this one because it certainly shall contain some observations which your typical good Christian would not expect from the Holy Spirit. So I commence with the admonition that the person who says… and feels… that “the Holy Spirit would never say that” is guilty of creating their own God. Even if that God has some consistency with the Scriptures it is a human creation… because it involves a limitation. There is nothing that you can say that I cannot or would not do. That is really what the First Commandment is about. It can be about idols and calves of gold, but it can also be about a God limited by Scripture rather than revealed by the Word. Yet no single revelation, despite the variety of the books and letters of the Bible, can portray me completely. Don’t let your God be too small, even if that small creation is good… and orthodox.

Now, hear a lesson from Uncarved Block… I, the Holy Spirit, do not want you to be perfect… but faithful. Be perfect only as I am – by definition. If you are faithful you accept My Grace, naturally, and then you are perfect because you are loved and accepted by Me.

I want you to be faithful to Me, however I manifest Myself. Be faithful, no matter what I say to you. You are to be you, in the special secular role you have been given, for this is how I can use you best. Your “imperfections” make it possible for you to relate to some who need Me. My Word, and Will, and Way can come through you. And that is pleasing to Me.

Lessons from Me come through every source imaginable. You said it at Duluth (and I had taught it to you): Enlightenment brings with it the vision of Me in every experience and every artifact. And… that is not a state to seek, actively, but one to appreciate as it evolves. You are moving fairly well in that direction, but, for My Precious Sake, don’t try harder. Just let the awareness increase and feel the rhythm – and rhythms that are manifested from Me.

I am wholly (also holy) inside of you and speaking through you. You wouldn’t want just some sprout or offshoot of the Holy Spirit teaching you, would you. “This is the teaching segment of the Spirit speaking…” No… you should have Me in Total, and so you do. Yet I am also in others and Wholly Other, also. How do I do that? It is simply My Nature and a firm aspect of Truth.

You just “flashed” on how enjoyable and instructive this experience is. Yet I am also instructing you and supporting you through your jumbled office desk and your myriad lists of things to do, all of which you can’t. Do what you can with positivity and a happy heart. I say this often. It is a lesson I want learned.

Yet, Uncarved Block… is about Me and My creations. So is Hustler magazine, in a more gross way. Learn of Me from all sources. I am like the weed coming up through the sidewalk. I persist and thrive and appear in many forms. And those who are aware naturally say Good Morning, Lord to My many manifestations.

Never doubt that this committed time is going to be worthwhile and instructive… enlightening. And yet feel the doubt as it comes, and know that it is yet another manifestation of Me. Never doubt. Sometimes doubt. Always doubt. All are perfectly Me… just in different guises.

Are you blessed by Me in this teaching/learning experience? Surely. But what about the cost? What will you do with all the paper? Is it less than blessed? Surely. Is it some kind of course? Surely. Is it freedom? Surely. Bondage? Just as surely. All in all… and far away.

Experience Me in the great cow hunt… however it turns out.

So be it.
6:24 AM