A Lesson In Economics

THURS., SEPT. 3, 1998, 6:45 AM

I, Holy Spirit, have told you, on several occasions, in several Teachings, that I care little about economics and politics. Oh, obviously, if I am “in charge” as I assert that I am, I have allowed the developments that characterize this “modern world”. But because I have not caused or guided economic “systems” they are susceptible to their own weaknesses. They can slowly dwindle or can come crashing down… and the lives of many can be hurt or “ruined”. So… hear a lesson in economics, from One Who does not wish to control this aspect of earth life.

Economics is concerned, I observe, with the distribution of produced goods and services, with various systems of paying for ones, wanted or needed, to those who have these “for sale”. Since I love diversity I have created humans as a diverse species and allowed more differences to be and become evident. Thus, there are differences in muscular strength, which used to be quite important in the production of goods and services. There are differences in intelligence and, particularly, in that aspect which makes good adaptation possible.

This planet Earth, the home for you incarnated souls, always had much potential for being “developed”, and that is what I see so much of now… resources being “changed” into usable goods… much of it unnecessary except to fulfill desires that have been cultivated. Oh, there still are resources that have not been identified and processes not yet invented. There is some movement toward recycling, reuse, and conservation, and of this I approve.

And yet I see the balance among the number of humans, the resources (present, new, and recycled), and the wastes produced by technological processes becoming more and more unstable… less and less sustainable. I can’t tell you, clearly, how economic systems that once seemed sound, even buoyant, now seem to be failing. I can say that “credit” has been a boon to economic growth, but it also can easily be a downfall element. “Electronic money” has no substance. It can shrink, even disappear, and those who thought they had sufficient means can be surprised… disappointed… devastated.

All right, why do I allow this to happen and do I have a remedy? Hear again My oft-repeated reason for this earth realm, with it’s “tangibility”: spiritual growth. And maximum spiritual advancement comes when there is the possibility, even probability, of loss. So times of hardship are times when spirit matures and increases in influence… or regresses and weakens. (And I tell you, somewhat counter to Christian perceptions, that this would be quite an “unfair system” if it were not for eternal everlasting life. Christians affirm this, but without clear perception of what it means. Using Our image, it is more a case of “A or Incomplete” than “A or F”)

Hence I aver that there are opportunities to recoup spiritual losses. I help some, but I also realize that growth has to be “real”, not just something I miraculously cause.

Will you feel the pain of an economic downturn? You can’t recall other experiences of this, so you await, with some trepidation, but also some anticipation. You wonder about the actual “strength” of your culture, in reaction to losses. Will the spirit of work prevail and increase or will chaos develop?

Or will such a downturn be actually a return to a good life with fewer luxuries and a few more “restrictions” on those with the abilities to “have more”? In a way, of course, I do understand all that is presently going on and do see the Big Picture… in ways impossible for you or any human, however well educated and intelligent. Yet I am not much interested in this economic scene, and therefore do little to sustain or change it.

THURS., SEPT. 3, 1998, 6:45 AM

I, Holy Spirit, have told you, on several occasions, in several Teachings, that I care little about economics and politics. Oh, obviously, if I am “in charge” as I assert that I am, I have allowed the developments that characterize this “modern world”. But because I have not caused or guided economic “systems” they are susceptible to their own weaknesses. They can slowly dwindle or can come crashing down… and the lives of many can be hurt or “ruined”. So… hear a lesson in economics, from One Who does not wish . . .

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