A Lesson (Lessons?) From Joshua

WED., MAY 28, 1997, 8:37 AM

It is difficult to read and truly understand and appreciate My part in the Joshua story when your orientation is Western, democratic, “humanistic”, middle-class Christian. I am a God of love, compassion, and gentleness. (8:40 / 8:44) As Jesus I told of the good shepherd who went after the one lost sheep… And Who told of the father who welcomed back the prodigal son without any suggestion of justice or retribution.

Yet here comes Joshua, and I am the God Who only seems to care for the Jews. I have promised them a land, after their slavery in Egypt, that shall be theirs. If I am still and actually the God of the Canaanites, the Hittites, and… I don’t seem to act like the God you envision. I order that these “inhabitants” be killed, and I do some of the killing Myself.

Yet I can’t forgive one of My own who keeps a robe and some silver and gold for himself. I have him identified, and I have My people stone him to death, along with his family. Then I seem to change My mind about “loot” that may be kept. So I seem to be cruel, blood-thirsty, sadistic (like in ordering the hamstringing of horses), petty, and changeable. Am I still the God you love and serve… the God Who is in Jesus the Christ, and also manifested as Me, Holy Spirit? There’s only One. I am He… and She. You are “stuck” with Me, for I have chosen you.

So… how do you see Me? Listen to the small quote here on your desk… “existence is odd”. You humans can understand and appreciate only “in part” and “incompletely”. You can never see the earth scene, even if My Creation is limited to this, as I do. You are in time, while I am not bound by this earth “mechanism” in any way. You are influenced by both a cultural and a sub-cultural way of thinking. I am aware of this, but it does not determine what I do and say.

The Scriptural story is set in a particular and relatively small portion of the earth, in a time before much of what you accept as necessary and appropriate for a good life was even dreamed of. The most amazing quality about Scripture is how relevant it is to you and others in your way of life, despite the obvious differences.

The fundamental lesson is that I am God, in a Triune “form”. I come to you rather clearly as Holy Spirit. I come to others as clearly in the person of the Christ. I still speak to some as the Sovereign God. Democracy is quite an acceptable form of government for some of you humans, but most of that “system” doesn’t apply to Me. Sorry… (an expression… actually I have no reason to be!)

I can never be limited, particularly by either/or thinking. I am the most loving Force in the universe. “At the same time” I am destructive, “by your standards”. “A time to build up and a time to break down”… “a time for war and a time for peace”… “a time to love and a time to hate”.

Increasingly you see that I can be part of miraculous healings and also “senseless” destruction. I cause and I allow. That’s all there is. I am aware of everything that happens, has happened, and will happen. I see consequences much more completely than any of you can. And I tell you that the earth scene is just about as I want it to be, “warts and all”.

WED., MAY 28, 1997, 8:37 AM

It is difficult to read and truly understand and appreciate My part in the Joshua story when your orientation is Western, democratic, “humanistic”, middle-class Christian. I am a God of love, compassion, and gentleness. (8:40 / 8:44) As Jesus I told of the good shepherd who went after the one lost sheep… And Who told of the father who welcomed back the prodigal son without any suggestion of justice or retribution.

Yet here comes Joshua, and I am the God Who only seems to care for the Jews. I . . .

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