A Letter From Andy

TUES., OCT. 27, 1992, 5:45 AM

The letter finally came, and what a letter it was! It is quite clear to both of you that I, the Holy Spirit, am in relationship with the two of you in quite similar ways. She has not yet developed the “liturgy,” like unto yours, and she is not yet willing to come as often as you do… but she eventually will come more often, and gradually rid herself of the earth notion that “she hasn’t time.”

This is a great example of My sense of fun. You know that I have sent… and will continue to send… you people who are on similar spiritual paths, so that they appreciate Our Ruminations and the content of the Teachings from which these Letters come forth. Some of these are Christians, and some not so. So it was fun for you to look around the ASHA social and the Eta Sigma Gamma meeting and see the range of colleagues who are now related to you in a more spiritual way. But now I send you a friend and colleague who hears Me and writes, quite like you do. She even receives Teachings that tell her specifically to write to you… the Bob to whom she must be in contact. In addition to providing Me with a bit of special glee, this lets each of you know that I am here in your lives, different though they may be.

Later this week you must write Andy a letter that is in some way comparable to what she wrote to you. Tell her, in some detail, about how this relationship with Me commenced, and how it has developed over these 13 years. This is the closest “match” with what We do together, and it is important for you to tell her about Us, and for her to know this.

Your professional “missions” are quite similar. You both shall be teachers who can speak comfortably about the spiritual as an important dimension of health… even as the unifying dimension, as you already do. More importantly you both shall teach in ways that bring forth spirit in classes and in ways that enhance your own individual spirits. Your teaching is, fundamentally, a spiritual exercise, and one from which your spirit grows and develops.

Unfortunately, it is not likely that you will be close enough, geographically, to observe one another and share, directly, teaching approaches I encourage. When she is ready to begin her full-time teaching career you will be almost finished with yours. Yet don’t discount My influence, and My capacities to “nudge” the natural workings of My earth and is peoples to achieve what I want, be it simple or complex.

As you read Andy’s letter, the part telling about her husband’s evident lack of appreciation for this “gift,” you were rightly thankful for Lenore’s acceptance of these Teachings and of the whole process. On your spiritual path you have had a rather close companion. Other members of your extended family have not been as supportive. Yes, and some have gently rejected this as an earthly/spiritual reality. At this time Andy has less support, but Al shall not reject this. She just shall have to develop the relationship without his support… in this.

TUES., OCT. 27, 1992, 5:45 AM

The letter finally came, and what a letter it was! It is quite clear to both of you that I, the Holy Spirit, am in relationship with the two of you in quite similar ways. She has not yet developed the “liturgy,” like unto yours, and she is not yet willing to come as often as you do… but she eventually will come more often, and gradually rid herself of the earth notion that “she hasn’t time.”

This is a great example of My sense of fun. You know that . . .

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