A Little Ol’ Jewish Man

SUN., AUG. 22, 1993, 11:57 AM

The Gospel reading this morning told of one of My “show-off” miracles, as Jesus. The disciples were in a boat on a lake, and a storm had arisen. They were scared, and I, as Jesus, was not on board. Then they saw something or someone coming across the stormy sea, walking on the water… which made them even more frightened. Then I spoke, and they knew Me, and their faith returned. Peter tried to emulate Me, and failed, as most of you would, your faith not extending to such a suspension of gravity. Everyone is saved, the storm subsides, and there are a number of lessons that can be brought forth from that rather short tale.

My title this day, however, refers to another miracle story, that of Moses, Jesus, and a little ol’ Jewish man playing golf. It is not a serious story, which is one reason that I like it. As I’ve told you often, I enjoy being Who I am, even this mystical Three in One. A lot of what I have done, which is usually presented with much seriousness, has been done in the spirt of fun. I like the image of Me as a little ol’ Jewish man, more nondescript than regal… the third player rather than the “always first.”

A major impression from Old Testament stories of Me is One of might, power, majesty, and, even, jealousy. I tell people they cannot see My face, that they must shed their shoes to stand on holy ground that I designate… yet I do bargain, and I do relate to some selected people in friendly and, even, fun-filled ways. Some of the stories may not be strictly true, but I say again, your culture’s perceptions of truth are not universal… and I must reject them in some instances, and so must you.

So why couldn’t Moses and Jesus be playing golf, accompanied by an unidentified, little ol’ Jewish man? (It could just as well have been an Amish farmer, a Finnish lumberman, or a Chinese healer.) The identified ones repeated miracles like those attributed to them in Scripture, and then their “third man” tops them in unbelievably absurd ways. What’s the message? or messages?

One is that I am active in this earth, called, now, modern. I prefer to act in rather unexpected ways, so this little ol’ golfer, hitting into the woods could easily be Me. I can do truly miraculous “things,” even as I have many more opportunities than I take. One feature of enlightenment or the born again state, which you experience only occasionally, is actually seeing Me in the eyes, the words, or the actions of people in your life. I am around much more than you are aware.

Another is that I do not always demand to be first, highest, or most revered. As Jesus I represented this truth as the Messiah I was, even though not accepted. Without giving up My Majesty I can be a humble servant, or the third in a trio of golfers, and the last. And thus I want you to be. You have some deserved awards, and you have some reasonably exalted positions, in the church and in this University. Yet I want you to listen to students with needs, even those you can’t meet. I want you to serve at the breakfast next Sunday. I want you to cut grass like a laborer, not exalting yourself.

SUN., AUG. 22, 1993, 11:57 AM

The Gospel reading this morning told of one of My “show-off” miracles, as Jesus. The disciples were in a boat on a lake, and a storm had arisen. They were scared, and I, as Jesus, was not on board. Then they saw something or someone coming across the stormy sea, walking on the water… which made them even more frightened. Then I spoke, and they knew Me, and their faith returned. Peter tried to emulate Me, and failed, as most of you would, your faith not extending to such . . .

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