A Look Ahead

FRI., APR. 21, 1995, 10:04 AM

This time, which, according to your calendar, was filled, is now available and, wisely, you have chosen to fill it with a Teaching from Me, the Holy Spirit. (Don’t forget the note to Andy, but this is the best use of time, right now.) As you look ahead you are beginning to see a somewhat different life, but the vision is still rather cluttered. Perhaps on this sunny Spring morning I can help you to a better perspective. It’s worth a try, now, isn’t it?

It seems to you now that life, here in the earth, will not be as long as you once imagined. That is having some effect on your thoughts about the future. A long retirement doesn’t seem attractive, but you do want some, a few, years in good health. I know, of course, how long you’ll live, in health, but I would not be good for Me to tell you this. It is one of My “rules”, even for fairly well-developed souls. But I am not advising against this look ahead.

You still are enjoying your teaching and your professional associations, even as some of the themes you hear about seem unimportant or repetitive and some of the issues are downright uninteresting. Yes, it will be good for you to retire when you still are excited by what students think, say, and write… and, at the same time, feel that you’ve heard enough, on a regular basis. The time you’re predicting for this to happen seems about right. And, with care, you can make it come out about as you want it to.

The vision of what you can do on your Farm, with more uncommitted time, is coming clearer. Some, when they retire from a demanding job, want to travel and see a variety of places and people. You have more desire to work around your place, making it more attractive for those who will come to visit you and Lenore. As I have told you often, it is a special, sacred place for you, and it could be even more so, with some more attentive work. I approve of such thinking and envisioning.

Then I’ll tell you, yet again, how I want you to invest other hours of each day, in ways similar to the academic life you’ll be leaving. I want you to have more Teachings than you can “afford” now, for you will be preparing for the transition to another realm of being. I want the transition to be easy and natural, and the more you hear from Me the easier it will be. This will be simple, as it is now. Just sit down in a quiet place… your study or other places on the Farm… be prepared in this simple, familiar, low-tech way, and you will hear Me, as you do easily now.

I may want more Ruminations each year, and if you have time to organize and reread the wealth of Teachings you’ll have by then this shall be a pleasant, not an onerous, task. Whether all of these are ever organized on a computer is not important to Me now, and I don’t see it as being a task for you. I’m not saying it won’t happen, but that may depend more on John Patrick’s work schedule.

Your present way of organizing is satisfactory to Me, as long as you keep current. And in that “ahead” period, you should have time. Keeping the Teachings in chronological order, with accurate Tables of Contents, and these all in one or more volumes… plus the Ruminations, with extra copies, and a record of what the themes have been… this shall be the minimal organization.

Another priority will be personal notes and letters to your many spiritual friends. I am disappointed when you continue to put off letter-writing. It is a gift of yours, and there are so many who would enjoy and profit from letters you could write.

FRI., APR. 21, 1995, 10:04 AM

This time, which, according to your calendar, was filled, is now available and, wisely, you have chosen to fill it with a Teaching from Me, the Holy Spirit. (Don’t forget the note to Andy, but this is the best use of time, right now.) As you look ahead you are beginning to see a somewhat different life, but the vision is still rather cluttered. Perhaps on this sunny Spring morning I can help you to a better perspective. It’s worth a try, now, isn’t it?

It seems . . .

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