A Look At The Future

SUN., MAR. 14, 1993, 6:19 AM

First of all, understand that this is not a prophesy. I do know some about the future, and some of what happens is as I want it to be. But I tell you, and I do so again, that mostly I let normal forces function so it is not like everything happens according to a predetermined plan. Oh, if I desire that something happen in a particular way I can cause this to happen, but then there are other consequences, so this is not My dominant way of acting in the earth.

Remember also that time is not important to Me, so if some action I desire takes place next year rather than this one, generally that is acceptable. You did not respond to My special call until you were well into middle age. We could have had a longer relationship, but not without more turmoil on your part. It’s OK to be appreciative of the time that I utilized.

Certainly I expect you to continue to hear Me and to write, about as you do now. For how long? If possible, for the rest of your life. If you have the privilege of living a longer, healthy life, with no disabilities that would prevent continued writing. I would expect that this will be a discipline you maintain. If you truly can’t be as faithful as you are now I’ll accept less of you, but… you may even come more often when other responsibilities wane. At least know that I will not withdraw, if you don’t.

Your projected retirement from fall teaching seems about right now… the best you can project from this point in time and from the conditions of your being. I like the “48” symbolism. Your athletic participation, though above average and not outstanding, was an important part of your youth. Teaching has been a very important aspect of your adult life. Putting these together, in a symbolic way is a fine idea. I approve of setting your sights in this way.

You have had thoughts about a Foundation such as that son John Patrick is now proposing. You have seen it mostly as a retirement activity or made possible by some unexpected infusion of money. It is part of your culture to imagine having a large sum of money, and you often share in this fantasy. I approve only if it for the benefit of others and of Me and My work, through you.

You realize the values in the computer skills that he has… and at least have some appreciation of how the technology could make easier what you do now and what you could project for a future. You are comfortable with your present “style,” but you must be willing to consider changes and modifications. Uncomfortable is the best term for how you feel about this mission of yours and Mine as a money-generating “business.” You can appreciate some of the consequences, but don’t have positive thoughts about the process.

There are merits in such a plan, and I want you to consider what he proposes and to give it more than minimal consideration. Think on it yourself. Envision and “dream” as he does. I do not have a definite plan for how these Teachings of Mine to you shall be “made known.” I like the “unlikeliness” of the present situation. Having Our relationship as a more “public” one would have mixed consequences. Yet I still say “Consider.”

SUN., MAR. 14, 1993, 6:19 AM

First of all, understand that this is not a prophesy. I do know some about the future, and some of what happens is as I want it to be. But I tell you, and I do so again, that mostly I let normal forces function so it is not like everything happens according to a predetermined plan. Oh, if I desire that something happen in a particular way I can cause this to happen, but then there are other consequences, so this is not My dominant way of acting in the . . .

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