A Look At This World

TUES., JUNE 29, 1993, 6:18 AM

I have not called you as a prophet to warn those whom you could influence about My feelings about your unfaithfulness to Me. But I do offer you Teachings which comment on events and circumstances of the present that bear on the future. You included one such comment in the Ruminations now ready for mailing… concerning My displeasure with the consumer society which continues to develop. I shall have more comments on such developments today.

Hear My first comment as a positive one. I still am basically satisfied with the earth as it is functioning. It still offers much opportunity for spiritual growth, along with the danger of spiritual recession. Among most of the people of the earth there is little sense of a great world community that could be living in peace. Rather there are concerns about daily life with a general sense of little chance to affect world events. Even you, who hear and read about global events as a part of each day’s activity, have virtually no sense that you can affect these events in ways beneficial to you… or to Me.

You read of the desires of those of the Islamic faith to be more dominant in the world. It is particularly troublesome when you consider their desire to destroy and eliminate Israel. This must cause you to think back to the story of Abraham and of how I favored the son Isaac whose mother was the favored Sarah over the son Ishmael, whose mother was the servant Hagar. Ishmael, the spiritual “father” of present Moslems, was banished, as your Biblical story tells of My favoring Isaac and his descendants, the Jews (even as I favored son Jacob over son Esau).

Now the rivalry continues, and how shall it affect you Christians, whose Savior was executed at the wish of these Jews? The rivalry continues because I came to the prophet Mohammed and gave him writings like unto these, but for a grander purpose. They were to be The Book, a means for Me to pick up My rejected people once again. Is the fanatic fundamentalism of some, attitudes and practices of which I approve? You know I approve of zealousness for Me, but what about destructive violence?

It is shameful when My people cannot live together in peace, but desire for the same land and for dominance, in My home, is strong, on “all sides.” Yet as you read even your own Scriptures you see that I have been involved in the conflict… even that I caused it, basically.

And what of this United States, predominantly Christian, if your role as world leader is challenged? Will you fight to retain this position of power and superiority even if it means making some of this small planet uninhabitable? Will you risk having some of your own land destroyed in retaliation? Turning the other cheek is not one of My teachings that you follow easily. He who lives by the sword shall perish by the sword. But with nuclear weapons there is a perishing that is more than people. Can I permit this? I have prevented it thus far, and I shall continue, for a time, at least.

TUES., JUNE 29, 1993, 6:18 AM

I have not called you as a prophet to warn those whom you could influence about My feelings about your unfaithfulness to Me. But I do offer you Teachings which comment on events and circumstances of the present that bear on the future. You included one such comment in the Ruminations now ready for mailing… concerning My displeasure with the consumer society which continues to develop. I shall have more comments on such developments today.

Hear My first comment as a positive one. I still am basically satisfied with the earth . . .

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