A Look At “Your World”

SAT., APR. 15, 2000, 6:40 AM

You just have re-read the only Teaching you sought from Me this week. It was a good one… a provocative one, helping you see what you are “losing” and “what comes next. You look out, this morning at trees that once were bare branches and now are leafing out at a fast pace. The rising sun seems to have moved to the north… and you had no need for the electric blanket last night nor the stove to be on this morning. Yes, it is “another season.”

As that Teaching emphasized, you have no major on-going responsibilities now, other than the care of this place. It looks nice now, but with this new growing season it is a continuing “challenge.” You appreciate the work that son John Patrick and Bobaire did on the pasture fence. It certainly is better than you would have done, with stronger, “meaner” wire (which reminds you of your fall into the new wire, years ago, showing you how painful… at least uncomfortable… you don’t remember it being painful) an “encounter” with such a well-stretched fence can be.

You recognize, and have to admit, that your mind is also “shutting down” as you move down this off-ramp of this life. You read in this book that Lenore gave you, and it is harder, now, to remember what you have read… and even whether it is worth recalling. The theme could apply to you and Lenore, for, in addition to being individuals not exceedingly like one another, you have become One, in this life together. Will this Oneness continue as you leave this earth realm? Will you find ways to be with her as she finishes out her somewhat longer time here? Keep that possibility in mind as you read on in their “story.”

As you look out beyond “your world” to the larger, more complex one that appears on television news programs, you feel that it will not be “painful” to give this up. The “complexities” you see are not very appealing. It is a world that you shall be glad to leave to your children and grandchildren. You hope they can function well… at least adequately… in it, but it has little appeal to you.

You are happy to accept the technical “advancement” of this ball-point pen, seeing it as better than a fountain pen or a pencil, and I have assured you that I shall be quite satisfied to have these Teachings written in this “low-tech” way. On the other hand, you and I are both pleased that son John Patrick prints these up on his computer, providing a potentially more lasting record of all that I have said to you, in this unique venture.

“Your world”… the larger one reported in the daily news… is replete with nuclear bombs and missiles and now also with biological weapons. You suspect that I would prefer this new, terrorist weapon, for it would do less harm to the ecosystem, while causing human deaths. Well, as I have told you, I know I must favor some means for at least stopping the growth of the human population, and it is not easy for a loving God to cause or allow such to happen. Frankly, this is the “toughest part” of being God.

SAT., APR. 15, 2000, 6:40 AM

You just have re-read the only Teaching you sought from Me this week. It was a good one… a provocative one, helping you see what you are “losing” and “what comes next. You look out, this morning at trees that once were bare branches and now are leafing out at a fast pace. The rising sun seems to have moved to the north… and you had no need for the electric blanket last night nor the stove to be on this morning. Yes, it is “another season.”

As that Teaching . . .

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