A Low Level Mystic…

THURS., MAY 22, 1997, 8:34 PM

This is a term I use for you, and it is not, in any way, one of derision. It is description, and this Teaching, in an unusual evening hour, will tell you more of what it means. First, be assured that from My perspective, as Holy Spirit, being a mystic at any level is a “status” to be desired. Your dominant culture doesn’t value this, but I certainly am not subject to your cultural preferences.

Most every spiritual “group” has a few mystics. Some have more, others have less. In some, mystics are regarded highly, and looked to for wisdom of several sorts. Your culture is dominated by rationalism, science, and technology. Probably a majority of your citizens are not wholly for such dominance, but it can be strong, putting down opposition.

Actually (and interestingly) a few who are identified as scientists… some highly regarded… are mystics, in that they have visions or hear “voices” that lead them to discoveries, with the actual physical experimentation merely confirming what they have come to know. In the social and behavioral sciences this is even more true. To maintain status the mystics may actually carry out research, but they are “told” not only how, but what they will find.

You, under My influence, have moved away from science and the research related to it, and are generally identified as a professional who is more spiritually than scientifically oriented. Yet this still is seen by most as just a personal preference. You are well liked and respected, but few see you as a “set-apart mystic”… or want to see you this way. You see, such a perception would make you “odd” for this culture and your field, and most resist having to make such a judgment.

The facts are: I prepared you for this role, encouraging various interests that led this way. At the “right time” I tricked you into promising a discipline of early morning writing, and once this was established (and you were not yet tired of wondering what it was for) I took over your pen (this very one), and you began to write, hearing Me “speak”. I gave you Teachings that were interesting, provocative, enough like Holy Scripture to be “acceptable”, and yet with a freshness and relevance to this last part of the last decade of the 20th century after most Scripture was composed.

For awhile you had a stimulating time with a Sunday morning class using Teachings as the focus for discussion. There was a time for that, and then “not a time”. You have faithfully composed and sent out Our Ruminations each quarter, and this does identify you as one who hears in ways few others do.

A mystic is one who hears, from some supernatural source, what others don’t hear. High level mystics hear vital and important messages. Many of these are called to prophesy or to minister in some unique way to others… sometimes many others. All of these have had more spiritual experiences than you have had, and are more advanced, spiritually.

You are just a teacher in an American university of barely moderate reputation. You are in a field that is “fringe” in your country’s educational system. Your religious orientation is to a mainline church that expects no mystics in its members or officers… even in their clergy… and so here you are. This “gift” is not valued among most of your own family.

What should you do about this? Accept your rather low status as a mystic, but be proud to be one of these chosen ones. Continue to be faithful to this calling, and preserve and maintain what I have chosen to say to you. Continue to speak of spirit as the unifying dimension of health, and continue to encourage students to see life as you do. For there may be ways for you to do this, even after retirement.

THURS., MAY 22, 1997, 8:34 PM

This is a term I use for you, and it is not, in any way, one of derision. It is description, and this Teaching, in an unusual evening hour, will tell you more of what it means. First, be assured that from My perspective, as Holy Spirit, being a mystic at any level is a “status” to be desired. Your dominant culture doesn’t value this, but I certainly am not subject to your cultural preferences.

Most every spiritual “group” has a few mystics. Some have more, others have less. In . . .

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