A “Medical Morning”

FRI., JULY. 14, 2000, 2:24 PM

Yes, o son, you spent a good portion of this morning in a specialized medical facility, one focused on eyes and vision. The drops that were used in the testing still have an effect, and the world around you is a bit blurry. You elected not to have the “appropriate treatment”, which could prolong the time when you have acceptable vision, but, at this point, you said No. What do I, Holy Spirit, have to say about such a decision?

I noted that you were considering the other losses that you now are experiencing, each of which, in medical perspective, could be treated in some way… after more tests, of course. You have proclaimed, with My approval, that you want to spend as little of the rest of this earth life as possible in the medical establishment, having “medical things” done to you. So, if you don’t count time spent in medical “stations” as truly “living freely” you could die sooner, by the calendar, and still have “lived longer” (if you get My drift!)

As you sat and watched people come in (presumably as “patients”) you saw quite a range in age. Now it is true that vision does tend to be more “trouble” as the body ages, so it is not surprising to see a good number of elderly folk spending good hours in that place. (Yours was not an extended time, but you can see how the term “patient” applies… to those seeking medical help.)

Vision is quite a “gift” to you humans, making possible much communication and much enjoyment of earth life… as well as making much necessary work possible. So I do applaud those who train to be “medical helpers” of many kinds, and do recognize and appreciate that some see what they do as service dedicated to Me. There now are many ways to improve and maintain vision, and this is quite an acceptable role for science and technology. The glasses you wear certainly improve your vision, and, while by today’s standards, they are rather “low tech” it wasn’t many years ago that people with eyes like yours are now would have had a much more “restricted” life than you have now.

You have been pleased to have as good vision as you have had for your lifetime… and you would not feel good about losing visual acuity, even in this one eye. And yet ( 2:57 / 3:03 ) you would like to finish the rest of this life in as healthy a state as possible, overall. You realize there are several “threats” to your continued life, with cancer being in the “starring role” at this time… apparently.

But as you wake up during the night and feel your pulse and the beating of your heart, along with some unexplained aches, you realize that your heart is under some stress, another “normal” cause of death for men your age. So… which will it be? or are there other “rivals” to “take you down”?

As I have told you, repeatedly, I am not against medical treatments that improve the quality of life. I want this earth experience to be as enjoyable and productive as it can be, for all of My human creations. Yet, as I also have told you, repeatedly, I am concerned about the increase in human life and in what humans do to make life more “comfortable”. This increase, of course, comes from more births and fewer deaths, in proportion. And… the modern medical establishment, with all of its allied industries, adds pollution to the environment, reducing the quality of the lives of many.

You shall have to recognize that in the coming years ( 3:19 / 3:47 ) you shall have other decisions to make about medical testing and then about whether the medical treatments recommended are “for you”, or not. Modern medicine is “sold on itself”, but you needn’t be. And you know there will be pressure to do “what we know is best”.

Now you just have talked with Marylin, who, at an age much younger than you, had cancers that seemed to require surgery. So now she recovers from quite a major operation and from losing both breasts to this radical procedure. If you were her age I might encourage comparable treatment, but, well, I see less and less reason for invasive medical procedures with humans from mid-70’s on. I am not against people who live, healthfully, into their 80’s, even 90’s, but there aren’t very many of these, truly.

FRI., JULY. 14, 2000, 2:24 PM

Yes, o son, you spent a good portion of this morning in a specialized medical facility, one focused on eyes and vision. The drops that were used in the testing still have an effect, and the world around you is a bit blurry. You elected not to have the “appropriate treatment”, which could prolong the time when you have acceptable vision, but, at this point, you said No. What do I, Holy Spirit, have to say about such a decision?

I noted that you were considering the other losses that you . . .

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