A Memorial Day

MON., MAY 29, 2000, 7:41 AM

The sky is blue, and the trade winds are gusty. Doves fly and then walk around on the grass. The sound of a departing plane fades… here in Hawaii, this fine day. It is the “designated” Memorial Day, originally a day to remember and honor those who died in a war before you were born – “to make the world safe for democracy”. As you consider the history of this century, past, it seems as though this was an unreal “slogan”.

Yet, remember… I Am and I am “in charge”… all “happenings” are either caused or allowed by Me. You were a “participant” in a Second World War, which became official, for your country, right here on this island. Japanese planes bombed Pearl Harbor while you were still a junior in high school, and, yet again, the “freer” way of life was challenged. Over-riding some of your “war-like” motivations, you were a non-combatant, even as you enlisted on your 17th birthday. The War was won with a couple of atom bombs, and now Japan is an ally, and Japanese tourists abound in this state… and Paul Hamamoto gives the principal address at the Punahou School “spiritual graduation service”. The sons and daughters of your niece and nephews have a heritage both Japanese and Germanic. What a world I “manage”!

Yes, just as you now see clouds where once there was only blue sky, so the conditions of this earth change, in some unknowable amalgam of human actions, chance, and My Will.

No one close to you has died as a result of war, even as the casualties of all the wars in this century have been considerable. Yet the human population continues to rise, as is so clearly evident on the streets of this city… and the sidewalks of Waikiki. Thus I have to say – deaths are both individual tragedies AND absolutely necessary if “good life” is to continue here on this small, fortunate planet.

Your parents lived long lives, quite beyond their ability to function well. Your Mother-in-law (a long time servant of Mine) continues in life, but only through the generosity and love of her female children. Your son Peter (quite a good name) died early in his life, a casualty of “modern life”. Your son Michael (a “kind of” angel) lived longer, but also went suddenly on to life solely in spirit, with some of the joys of earth life unrealized. Yet there are now more Russells than when you came into this century. Wonderful!? Or Terrible!?

This holiday was established as a day to remember those who gave their earth lives in defense of this culture and of freedom. In Our Christian heritage and practice there are two principal holidays. Christmas is (in spiritual, not in economic terms) a celebration of My birth, as Jesus. God in Human Form. Then there is Lent and the culmination, Easter Sunday. But first there had to be Golgotha, the crucifixion and My death… but then… My resurrection from a sacrificial death. I died that you, and many others (all, in some ways) might have a fuller earth life and a continuing life in the spirit.

And, still, it must be “acted out”. Deaths must come, in order that life may continue, in fullness. And so I say to you, o son of Mine, give little consideration to medical means which are purported to extend your life. Accept that these cancer cells are your own cells, a part of you that may, eventually, be the “means” for your entrance, yet again, into the everlasting life of spirit.

I’ll say it, yet again – live life fully, joyfully, with a purpose just “to be” My servant. Be aware, even as pain becomes a “companion”. Appreciate all that this life has been. Be both active, like in keeping your Farm a beautiful place, and contemplative, re-reading My Teachings to you and musing on life as I, Holy Spirit, tell of it.

MON., MAY 29, 2000, 7:41 AM

The sky is blue, and the trade winds are gusty. Doves fly and then walk around on the grass. The sound of a departing plane fades… here in Hawaii, this fine day. It is the “designated” Memorial Day, originally a day to remember and honor those who died in a war before you were born – “to make the world safe for democracy”. As you consider the history of this century, past, it seems as though this was an unreal “slogan”.

Yet, remember… I Am and I am “in charge . . .

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