A Mighty God Am I

SUN., JAN. 17, 1993, 6:47 AM

How many times have you heard this theme? No matter how often you’ve heard and written… it never can be too many. I have ultimate power. I have allowed humans the capacity to perceive and conclude that human intelligence is supreme and is sufficient to live on this planet that “just happened” eons ago. I have no objection to scientific study, as such. However, it is troublesome when there is no consideration of My possible influence and presence… and especially when this is denied, as if this had been proven. Oh well, I knew this capacity would be used against Me.

The teleconference on Friday was an interesting example of this denial. It was about the capacities of the mind to help heal and then maintain health. These are excellent “discoveries,” but they are part of most non-scientific medical systems. Yet they deliberately stop short of acknowledging spirit, the soul, and, of course, the influence and will of Sovereign God. This is a commendable movement, but it only verifies, in this peculiar way, what wise healers, particularly those closely related to Me, have known. There is a unity of mind and body. The larger truth is that this unity includes the spirit, the function of an immortal soul, and it is the spirit that can shepherd the best unity and can maintain the best balance. Spiritual practices thus are essential for the maintenance of health, and are of much value in the healing process. For example, this that you are doing now, hearing Me and writing what you hear, is more health-enhancing than aerobic exercise, than a spartan, fat-free diet, or more “traditional” meditation… and certainly more vital than most medical care, with its various potions.

Now, interestingly, this would be “proven,” in a sense, if you would live a long, active life without “benefit” of medical treatment. But if you should die “early,” of some condition that ostensibly could be treated you would be declared unhealthy. And yet these Teachings not only help you live this present life with more awareness and appreciation, but are the best preparation for the continuing life that science denies… because there is no empirical proof. For I, the Holy Spirit of the One Sovereign God, do guide you both through this life and on into the next with a marvelously smooth transition… unless you succumb to strictly scientific explanations of reality. Just keep knowing that this time with Me is more truly health-sustaining than any other regimen. Now do your chores and hear the message of the morning and lead your class, if such is your opportunity, and return this afternoon for My comments on the experiences you had.

( 7:28 AM / 7:49 PM )

The sermon was on the theme, with particular focus on the 2 Psalms read. Your class was lively, with fine participation by all of you. Naturally I was part of your morning experience, a gentle one for the strong affirmation that I Am Mighty.

This afternoon, your time, your country assumed the “mighty warrior” role again, with results not yet clear. I am allowing this, but without enthusiasm and a sense of this being an important conflict. I allow it, but I am not “on your side,” approving this use of expensive, destructive weapons. I am not an active partner in any of the present world conflicts, even as I do protect certain individuals, for My purposes. I also am preventing certain outbreaks, of which I disapprove, but there’s no way of proving or verifying such action, of a preventive nature.

SUN., JAN. 17, 1993, 6:47 AM

How many times have you heard this theme? No matter how often you’ve heard and written… it never can be too many. I have ultimate power. I have allowed humans the capacity to perceive and conclude that human intelligence is supreme and is sufficient to live on this planet that “just happened” eons ago. I have no objection to scientific study, as such. However, it is troublesome when there is no consideration of My possible influence and presence… and especially when this is denied, as if this had been proven . . .

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