A Mixture Of Experiences

SAT., OCT. 12, 1996, 8:07 AM

This weekend, which looks to be one of beautiful autumn weather, promises quite a mixture of events and experiences… and these are just the ones you are now expecting. Naturally you want My comments, so that you can appreciate them more fully, in prospect or in retrospect.

The play last evening had Angels in the title, but it certainly wasn’t about angels in the spiritual sense. Homosexuals are a particular kind of human that I have allowed in the creation process. It is difficult to explain so that you understand, but there is no clear distinction between designing and allowing. As you know I love diversity, so I “set up” the creation process for diversity. Out of this has come much variety. As you know, and as was portrayed last evening, homosexuals are alike in one way but quite diverse in other characteristics, in approach to life, and in relation to Me.

There is more “coming out” in this era, and this produces some good and some not-so-good results. I’ll just say that I am only minimally interested in sexual behavior except as it is harmful to self and to others. AIDS is an infection that is just one of many rather small ways in which I’m allowing the growth of the human population to diminish. It is just part of a rebalancing that, again, I am both causing and allowing. The play was powerful, but not very uplifting, for you.

This afternoon you shall watch a football game, which shall bring on at least a touch of nostalgia, in these latter years. Football was an important part of your high school and college life, and then you had some good (and some not-so-good) experiences in coaching. It was not to be your career, but it was an indirect step toward the life work that was your destiny. You enjoyed the violence of the body contact, and, vicariously, you shall “feel” it again this afternoon.

The evening commences with the visitation of a friend, whose spirit has now come on over. There will be expressions of sorrow, but he had both his three score and ten and his “extra ten” (plus one), and it was time for his heart to stop and his spirit to move on. This will be another informal “encounter” with life and its partner, death.

Then comes what should be another nostalgic experience… music from the era of your youth. There have been many eras since that of the “big bands”, with songs like Amapola. It was a time of terrible struggle for power in the world, but the big bands of that time brought forth music that is a memorable part of your early years. You are not as old as Bill was, but you clearly are one with connections to the time of the music you should hear tonight. When you recall times of activity over 50 years ago you deserve the title “senior”.

Then tomorrow brings the morning worship service, with the fellowship inherent in that gathering – with fellow Christians and with Me. The funeral follows, and, uniquely, you shall have a small ceremonial and muscular role to play. Pay attention to the words that are said and compare these with those I have generously given you, over the years. Appreciate the ceremony, and let it take you a step closer to designing one for yourself, while you still are fully able. (Go ahead and write your obituary notice. That should be fun… and it won’t hasten your actual death, I assure you.)

SAT., OCT. 12, 1996, 8:07 AM

This weekend, which looks to be one of beautiful autumn weather, promises quite a mixture of events and experiences… and these are just the ones you are now expecting. Naturally you want My comments, so that you can appreciate them more fully, in prospect or in retrospect.

The play last evening had Angels in the title, but it certainly wasn’t about angels in the spiritual sense. Homosexuals are a particular kind of human that I have allowed in the creation process. It is difficult to explain so that you understand . . .

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