A Muse In The Garden

FRI., MAY 12, 2000, 4:10 PM

You (and I) are now in a small, buzzing room, here in your familiar church, but with memories of that earlier muse in your now rather neat meditation garden. In this life as you now lead it there will be more and more times to muse about life, as you remember having lived it and now. I am with you in these, of course, so feel free to address Me, particularly with Thanks for… something.

Yes, o son, you have had quite a fine life, with nothing more, really, to accomplish. You’re aware that you’re losing your sight, slowly, and you hope it will go slowly as your life continues. I’ll remind you again to have your eyes checked. A more appropriate lens may keep this left eye functional for a few more years. And that’s all you’ll need.

Life for you has been good… to outstanding! You were rarely as good (in whatever) as you wanted to be, but you generally appreciated the accomplishments that were yours. It has been a life of many pleasures, balanced, a bit, with the deaths of two sons, and a few disappointments, professionally. Generally, you have been able to focus on what you do have rather than on what has been lost or never achieved. That’s the best way to live an earth life. I’ve guided you, and you’ve responded well.

Though your professional field, Health Education, is not “high status” in the university curriculum, I told you, repeatedly, that it is both a practical and a worthwhile field, and you became relatively expert and proficient in several of its “sub-fields”. I guided you into these, for each has a “natural” need for the spiritual dimension, and this is where I wanted your attention and energies as your career climaxed.

The alcohol field was your first specialty, and you had quite a satisfying, even exciting, time through those over 30 years. You realize, of course, that you have an addiction to this “substance” (much of it that you “make” yourself). Your drinking is both a good part of these elder years and an everpresent danger. You realize this, and your present muse is to control when appropriate, but not to over-value sobriety and super caution. I’m an everpresent help (and I am more “powerful” than alcohol), but also admit that you need an occasional “slip” as a balance to too much caution.

As you sat looking out over your pasture… and then around you at the garden… you thought of your course on the Environment and how so much of what you taught in that context (and in the Living in the Environment lectures) was related to your life on this place. You reviewed all of the places you’ve lived, and though all of these were pleasant (and each had some advantages for the time), this Farm has been a place of real joy. You wonder how much longer you can do all that is needed to keep the place as you want it to be. You’re not really concerned yet, but you realize you are losing strength and needed capacities. Keep with the re-using and recycling, being true to your premises in the course. Your culture’s middle class aspirations are probably not sustainable for much longer, but your lifestyle is… and I’ll continue to guide you, in many unexpected ways, in maintaining and improving it.

And, of course, you developed and taught many classes in Death Education, helping these young and mostly healthy young folk come to some appreciation of death as a vital part of earth life. With your hand in Mine you have no fear of death. Oh, there were years when you wouldn’t have welcomed death, for there was more of life that you wanted, and needed, to live. But now it seems as though all that has needed to be done has been done. As various losses and handicaps increase your desire for more life “no matter what” diminishes. When your parents’ estate is finally settled you feel that Lenore will have an adequate “cushion” to sustain her… and you trust that some sons will help, as needed and as possible.

But hear again… your best chance for your longest life will come as you are faithful to Me and these “times together”, which help you to see life as a positive blessing, deserving of a positive attitude. More medical treatment runs the risk of turning your spirit to negative concerns… away from the positive joys that I promise.

FRI., MAY 12, 2000, 4:10 PM

You (and I) are now in a small, buzzing room, here in your familiar church, but with memories of that earlier muse in your now rather neat meditation garden. In this life as you now lead it there will be more and more times to muse about life, as you remember having lived it and now. I am with you in these, of course, so feel free to address Me, particularly with Thanks for… something.

Yes, o son, you have had quite a fine life, with nothing more, really, to . . .

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