A Muse On Earth Life

THURS., DEC. 2, 1999, 11:19 AM

I, your Friendly Holy Spirit, am around here in the earth in uncountable and incomprehensible ways. I am not limited by time and space, and I AM… when, where, how, and with whom I choose. Some encounters I “arrange,” while others require or request only a response. As I’ve told you often (and I don’t see that it bothers you…and it shouldn’t) I chose you for this “relationship,” not because of any special merit that you had. I just chose you.

You were not an atheist or an agnostic, but neither were you a “practicing Pentecostal… one comfortable and experienced with the mystical. You were a fairly comfortable Presbyterian, but you did acknowledge a born-again experience, and you were aware, from reading and some experience, of the mystical as a part of spiritual life.

You know that I love diversity… am comfortable with the variety of human experiences with “mystical elements.” So, yes, it was fun to manipulate you into this experience of writing what you hear from Me. You had “free will” and could have resisted My “invitation,” immediately or after a few Teachings… AND… you accept that My Will is more “powerful” than yours, and I was not about to let you reject or give this up. I knew you quite well, and I used that knowledge to entice you to Me… and what I knew would be quite a wondrous response. And here you are, 2-+ years and 3,400 or so Teachings later. We both deserve some credit!

All humans have spirit, but there is much variety in its manifestation, its strength, and the personal consciousness of it. So, as a human… among humans… you are becoming increasingly conscious of your spirit… and the spirits of others. It was fun to have breakfast and talk with Lynda this morning and to get a better idea of how her spirit is functioning as she combines her dissertation work with hospice work. It was easy to talk with her about your eventual death, and how full and positive your life can be, with this cancer experience as part of it.

You have an almost unshakeable faith-based perception that your life will continue, after dropping a mal-functioning body. You’re not sure how the transition will be, but you certainly don’t think that “death is the end.” (11:52 / 11:59 ) While you’re not “anxious to die” you do want to live life in a healthy, happy way, as you mostly have, thus far. To be alive, but, basically, as a “medical patient” is not a pleasant perception of “being alive.”

Your response to the article about gene identification in human chromosomes, with speculations on the potential for prolonging healthy lives was not very positive, as I expected. The picture of earth life with more and more long-living, non-diseased humans is, initially, rosy. But can this earth, with its inherent limitations for providing sustenance for more senior humans, make the adaptations necessary?

Variations in life span… healthy life span… are part of My created and sustained earth. A truth that relates to human life is: something is good… even blessed… but more of that something is not necessarily good… or better. A spiritual truth that does apply is: it is spiritually mature to give up something good for something better. Earth life can be seen as good, but when an elderly life becomes difficult to sustain it is good to give it up – for two reasons: that the young may have their chance to grow, develop, and BE the next generation… AND moving on to an appropriate spiritual realm (for “in My Father’s house are many mansions”) is always a worthy (and sometimes a superior) way to live.

And… yet… I am not a one-way critic of Myself, and of earth life, as it is and will be. Much spiritual growth can come from crowded conditions and from experiences with ill-health. In fact, there is no set of earth conditions that cannot be a means for human spirits to grow and mature. You love and appreciate your Farm, with its space and varied landscape. You accept this as a “gift,” and know that few humans can have such a living experience. Yet you realize that in some possible changing conditions it would not be ideal. You are willing to risk this… and hope it is the best choice for you.

THURS., DEC. 2, 1999, 11:19 AM

I, your Friendly Holy Spirit, am around here in the earth in uncountable and incomprehensible ways. I am not limited by time and space, and I AM… when, where, how, and with whom I choose. Some encounters I “arrange,” while others require or request only a response. As I’ve told you often (and I don’t see that it bothers you…and it shouldn’t) I chose you for this “relationship,” not because of any special merit that you had. I just chose you.

You were not an atheist or . . .

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