A Muse On Environment

FRI., APR. 24, 1987, 6:32 AM

You are now in the midst of your presentations to the Survival class, even as you complete your own class dealing with environment. You know that the conclusion of each of these must have a good dose of spirit, so I shall give you some assistance with this. As you compose your next Ruminations you shall emphasize the importance of environment to individual, as well as community, health. This muse can be helpful, o son.

Here where you live there are seasons and cycles in the environment. The season of leaves, green, and growth is now definitely here, even with this chill in the air. As you have been teaching, many of the world’s people live in portions of the earth that are not so seasonal, and there is a pleasantness about rather constantly warm temperatures and year-round growth. You may enjoy this at times, but I reaffirm that your best development shall come in this climate where you are, in this relatively rural area. It certainly is all right for you to muse about other settings, but it is equally appropriate to feel the healthy satisfaction in this place.

“The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof” – this is the fundamental Scriptural truth that tells of My relationship with the earth. Simply, I created it, and it still is fully Mine. I do not approve of all that humans have done and are doing to this earth, but, finally, I have allowed what has happened. I do not lack power, nor am I unaware. There shall be excesses, and then balances again.

The purpose of lives is, of course, spiritual growth. Many souls are now in the earth, and many more come into bodies each day than leave for other realms. This, too, is an excess, and shall be balanced, even in your lifetime. My life as Jesus symbolized many truths, one of which is that the length of a life is not the measure of its value. Some who live short lives because of their environments shall still profit from a brief sojourn.

Insects and microorganisms are a purposeful part of My creation, the earth. These did not sneak in against My will. Humans have had some success in combatting the effects of these small creatures, and there shall be more successes, but I urge you to continue to live as much in harmony with them as possible. I have supplied them with powers to survive, for they are part of the challenge of earth life. It is not pleasant to see beautiful plants stunted and handicapped by small creatures, but see this as a symbol of the fragility of human dominance. You must adapt to them, but they shall adapt to you. The rhythm of earth life, that I have created, is such.

As humans use poisons to deal with these “threats” there is some victory. This may mean more food, better health… and, hence, more humans. In an infection caused by a microorganism the environment is susceptible and the food supply is ample, so the invader increases in number. If the body is strong and adaptable its defenses increase and the population of organisms is reduced back to a better balance. Or… the population increase continues, and the body dies. So it shall be with the earth.

FRI., APR. 24, 1987, 6:32 AM

You are now in the midst of your presentations to the Survival class, even as you complete your own class dealing with environment. You know that the conclusion of each of these must have a good dose of spirit, so I shall give you some assistance with this. As you compose your next Ruminations you shall emphasize the importance of environment to individual, as well as community, health. This muse can be helpful, o son.

Here where you live there are seasons and cycles in the environment. The season of leaves . . .

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