A Muse On Variety

MON., SEPT. 9, 1991, 10:53 AM

You have discerned and selected the theme for this next Ruminations, and it should be a good one. As usual you have more than enough basic Teachings material, and it would be well to keep it to 8 ½ pages so that the extra page for mailing is not necessary. It may be that you should carry the theme on into the next one also, with the material you won’t use, some that I may add, and, particularly, some observations about Christmas and its story.

Though it should be obvious that I have created variety and have allowed variety in the earth, your illustrations of this in the realm of spirit will not be appreciated by some. You will not air all of the controversy I have laid upon you, but this still will be an issue that shall trouble some readers, particularly some of My most dedicated. Be aware of this, even as you know that you don’t enjoy criticism.

The theme can be stated as: “The Triune God does create and does enjoy variety.” Male and female I have created them, but what variation there is in each sex. In every characteristic you could consider there is a range, often a huge one. Earth life offers a range of pleasant, satisfying experiences, though these are judged differently by diverse persons. There also are a variety of experiences that cause pain and suffering, and I have to be held accountable for these, since I have never given up the power to ease, alleviate, and stop any suffering.

As you well know, My priority and My major “love” is the growth and development of spirit in humans. The earth is full of spirit because I created it, but human spirit is that which can change in the living process. I know of uncountable ways in which spirit changes, and I like this wild variety. To insure that each life is pleasant and painless would seem to be the only option for a loving God. Yet I say this is an unrealistically sentimental view of Me. I would be depriving many spirits of opportunities that can be realized only in hardship.

I love the variety of worship services I experience each day, but particularly on Sundays. I hear a vast array of prayers and sermons, and I see an incredible range of interest, attention, and spiritual participation in those congregated. I experience the same wide range in the education of Christians, particularly of adults. The focus can be from a narrow but deep concentration on a verse of Scripture to a semi-religious concern for the community, like unto what you experienced yesterday. I pay little attention to those who fail to learn, concentrating on approval of those who do know more about Me because of the study they were in.

I created quite an effective reproductive process. From two original spirit-filled humans there are now billions here in the earth. Death is the balance to birth, and I like variety in deaths as well as in births. Some Christians feel that I must hate death (and there are some Scriptures that give this impression), but I tell you that this is a silly interpretation. In My experience with the souls of humans death is a much more growing and exciting time than birth… or even much of life. This is not to glorify death but just to reinforce the truth that it is often a great experience for a human… and is of prime importance to the sustainability of the earth.

MON., SEPT. 9, 1991, 10:53 AM

You have discerned and selected the theme for this next Ruminations, and it should be a good one. As usual you have more than enough basic Teachings material, and it would be well to keep it to 8 ½ pages so that the extra page for mailing is not necessary. It may be that you should carry the theme on into the next one also, with the material you won’t use, some that I may add, and, particularly, some observations about Christmas and its story.

Though it should be obvious that . . .

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