A Mystical Future

SUN., DEC. 29, 1996, 7:25 AM

The future, in terms of individual lives and specific events, is a mystical combination of being determined by My Will (as the Triune God) and being “just what happens”. If I had called you to be a prophet or a seer… and I do make such calls in every age and in every culture, just for fun, mostly, you would know about certain happenings in advance, but you would not know details about how such would affect individual lives.

Let’s use as an example the subject of the article you read yesterday about the race between the increasing human population and the capacity to grow enough food to make this increased life possible, maintaining, somehow, the balance of life forms and earth/air/water. The article sounded positive about the capacities of agricultural scientists to genetically change seeds so that more food could be grown, increasing with the population needed to be fed. Is this an accurate picture of the human future?

Now I have told you that you are not a prophet, in the classic, mystical sense, but merely one who hears Me, in the form of Teachings that help you understand life better and live it more fully. Yet within that context I have told you that the human population must stop growing, and that life must be lived more simply. None of this seems possible, given the present conditions of earth, with My presumed desire to let humans have freedom to reproduce, loving each and every one that is born. So do I guide certain minds in ways that make more food possible and available? Do I guide these processes so that water and land are not wasted or used “improperly”?

Or do I allow… or even cause… conditions in which there is increased suffering and premature deaths? Am I as apparently callous about human deaths as in some of the Old Testament stories? Do I have a plan for the earth that is being carried out precisely? Well, again, I tell you, as teacher to learner that the future is part determined and part mystically developing. I am the Supreme Adapter, the epitome of good health. I can take situations and circumstances that develop out of relatively free human actions and shape them into part of My overall plan… and I can just let things happen, with consequences that eventually contribute to My wishes.

I am omniscient. I do know what will happen, but I am usually not as concerned with time… when something happens… as you in your culture are. For example, I know when and how you will drop your earth body… die… and come on over to the longer spiritual aspect of life, (and I could alter this), but I am not concerned much about the details of how this occurs. Being outside of time it isn’t necessary for Me to be bound by the constraints of time. When your career is completed you should begin “practicing” for a return to a timeless realm. Living in a time-conscious earth culture is, as you’ll rediscover, quite a spiritual challenge.

Part of that challenge to your spirit is to be aware of and appreciate how time is constraining. Oh, it is useful, but it is far from vital. I want you to compete and send out a Ruminations each quarter, and I want you to see this as a major “responsibility”, but I truly can’t be too concerned about whether it is out before the end of December or… when. Just do it, as you promised.

The practice that many addicted folk use to maintain “sobriety” (whatever this means) is “one day at a time”. This seems to be time-constrained, but it actually is about as close to being outside of time as earth life permits. Your concern is not with what happened “before” or with what the future will be. Rather it in living this day in a positive, loving, unaddicted way. This will be more possible as you move into retirement, you’ll find.

SUN., DEC. 29, 1996, 7:25 AM

The future, in terms of individual lives and specific events, is a mystical combination of being determined by My Will (as the Triune God) and being “just what happens”. If I had called you to be a prophet or a seer… and I do make such calls in every age and in every culture, just for fun, mostly, you would know about certain happenings in advance, but you would not know details about how such would affect individual lives.

Let’s use as an example the subject of the article . . .

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