A Mystical God… Indeed!

WED., JAN. 5, 2000, 9:14 AM

You were struck, this morning in your Bible Study group, with the obvious mystical nature of Me… Whoever I claim to be. You in Christianity, one of My best religions, affirm Me as a Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Yet you also would affirm, as a rational culture, that One is one… and Three is three… and One just can’t be Three.

I Am an Omnipotent, Omniscient God, and this is sufficient for the Jews and the Moslems. Yet, in your “tradition,” I needed a human Son to bring My message to earth folks. As Jesus I was born (as you’ve just “remembered”), and, presumably grew up, though there is little Scriptural record of this maturation process. As a young man I was baptized, I called disciples, and went about the countryside preaching, healing, and “creating four Gospels” with this life.

You accept the fact of predestination (which you should), so you can accept that it was important, even necessary, for Me to be executed, as a sacrifice for all who would accept My Teachings and, yes, Me, as the Messiah, the God Incarnate. Yes, I could have avoided this “encounter,” even with My natural earthly powers… and certainly with the supernatural, God-powers that I always had… but used sparingly. ( 9:30 / 9:35 ) But it had to be as it was.

After My death and burial, which you Christians will remember and “celebrate” in the soon-to-come Easter season, I “rose” from the grave – cave, and was around in the earth for a time, in My original body, but now also capable of more supernatural “feats.” Then I ascended into heaven, to be with Me, the Father. But I, the Father, was very active in the earth, and so I, as the resurrected Jesus, also was active in the earth. (Your son Peter did experience Me in a rather dramatic way near the end of his short earth life.)

After all of this I, as Holy Spirit, “officially” came forth at Pentecost, to My disciples (as Jesus). And… I have been here in the earth all of the “time before.” Now isn’t that pretty mystical!?

As Jesus I am often perceived as a gentle man, gently imploring people to love… be kind… look forward to life beyond this one. But the Luke account of Me has Me as an “in your face,” almost belligerent preacher. I focused on the faults of My Jewish brethren, particularly the Pharisees. I said, according to Luke, that I was not here to bring peace, but, rather, strife. As you perceive the world in this opening of the 21st century you judge that I have “succeeded,” for there is much apparent strife, some of it originating in different convictions about Me, as God, and about Me, as the Christ. (There’s not much controversy about Me, as Holy Spirit. I guess I’m so mystical I just can’t be taken seriously… as a help or as a “threat.”)

In My mystical “being” I need no tabernacle, no building in which to be acknowledged and worshipped. Yet your congregation has embarked on an expensive building program, to enlarge and hopefully beautify your physical presence in this community. I have been called on to bless this “project”… and I do, for the “right reasons.” And then I’ll say that I also see all of this as unnecessary… requiring money that could be offered for more important causes.

I have told you, repeatedly, that I do not favor any specific economic or political system. Yours… whatever you choose to call it… has some merit, but it is not “Mine.” Systems that yours oppose also have merit, matched by weaknesses and objectionable characteristics. You just can’t look to Me, as Jesus, in My earthly Teachings, for anything like a perfect political and economic system. Sorry… that wasn’t why I was here.

WED., JAN. 5, 2000, 9:14 AM

You were struck, this morning in your Bible Study group, with the obvious mystical nature of Me… Whoever I claim to be. You in Christianity, one of My best religions, affirm Me as a Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Yet you also would affirm, as a rational culture, that One is one… and Three is three… and One just can’t be Three.

I Am an Omnipotent, Omniscient God, and this is sufficient for the Jews and the Moslems. Yet, in your “tradition,” I needed a human Son . . .

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