A National God?

SAT., JULY 5, 1997, 5:50 AM

Yesterday was your national holiday, remembering your country’s declaration of independence from England, some 221 years ago. It took a war, with ill-prepared but motivated colonists up against well-trained British troops, motivated mainly to do their duty and maintain peace in the colonies. The war began, and finally you “won” and became an independent sovereign nation, among the others in the world, at that time.

And you sometimes wonder, as you recall such history, where was I during that time? I’ll answer. I was as I am now – active in this earth, but not particularly interested in wars for political and economic reasons. There was some heroism and some acknowledgement of Me during that time in your history, but it was not a “holy war”, as I saw it.

Thus, I did not will that there should be a United States of America. It was not a war to accomplish My Will, for I am not whole-heartedly for independence, remember. That is, I do not see it as desirable that you be independent of any force, particularly of Me. Yet I do not force you to come to relationship with Me. I am just more “subtle”. I usually get what I want, and outside of time I always get what I want. The notion that this earth scene is out of My control is just silly. I don’t will and want every individual or national action, but I am generally satisfied with life here. And, again, one of My major concerns is the increasing numbers of My Supreme Creation, you humans. There is a bit too much “use” of My gift of reproduction, along with too much prolongation of life beyond what would “come naturally”.

Some of you humans… and some very sincerely… do call on Me for help with national issues. I respond, occasionally, because of the faith and dedication of the petitioner, but rarely do I act directly for a national purpose or for political or economic reasons. Oh, I like it when there is recognition of Me by a government, but then comes some policy or action that is not just as I would have it.

Look at a map of the world 221 years ago, and you’ll see it to be quite different, in terms of countries and boundaries, than it is today. To Me it is not necessarily better. It just is different. Each “system” benefits some, and not others… or benefits are just not equal. But as I have told you I have no clear favorite for an economic or a political system. Yours certainly has some advantages, but it is far from perfect, in My perspective. Yet it has its place, and I’m basically satisfied with it.

You have the increasing feeling that you have lived in “quite a good time”, and you don’t envision or anticipate a future that is better than the time in which you have lived. I like this attitude. It is My general wish that each of you see your life in as positive a way as possible, valuing the present, without great yearnings for a past that can’t be recaptured or a future that shall be a great improvement over this present era.

So I don’t want you to think more highly of the past that you experienced more simply… nor for a more computerized, mechanized future. Just appreciate that as part of the nation and country that became the U.S. of A. 221 years ago (symbolically) you can live, and perhaps live out this earth life, on this special, sacred place. And know that you are here not just by your own choice. I didn’t completely cause this, but I influenced decisions in My own Ways, and thus you have an opportunity that most of your fellow humans don’t have.

Live it in appreciation. Continue to serve your fellow humans in the special ways that you can, but also serve Me in some more direct ways… such as listening to Me and preparing for your next spiritual adventure.

SAT., JULY 5, 1997, 5:50 AM

Yesterday was your national holiday, remembering your country’s declaration of independence from England, some 221 years ago. It took a war, with ill-prepared but motivated colonists up against well-trained British troops, motivated mainly to do their duty and maintain peace in the colonies. The war began, and finally you “won” and became an independent sovereign nation, among the others in the world, at that time.

And you sometimes wonder, as you recall such history, where was I during that time? I’ll answer. I was as I am . . .

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