A National “Tragedy”

WED., SEPT. 12, 2001, 1:35 PM

The news of yesterday and today focuses on this well-planned act of terrorism against your country, symbolized by the Trade Center and Pentagon as the targets. This is a “tragedy,” because “innocent” people were killed as they were just doing their jobs on a Tuesday morning. Used in this way “innocent” means that the ones killed had done nothing to or against those who caused the destruction. The “enemy,” presumably, is your country… your culture… as the most powerful on the earth today, with the terrorists being some who feel “oppressed” by your power, position, and opulence. You have power, but this makes you the object of hate by some who have less. And hate, in today’s earth, can be translated into destruction, even using relatively simple planes and the common substance, gasoline.

You watched this drama “unfold,” by means of versatile television, and you did wonder how the men who flew those planes directly into buildings felt as they carried out such suicide missions. They “gave” their lives, these pilots, not just to kill people and destroy property, but as sacrifices for some as yet unidentified “cause.” In World War II, “your war,” there were several publicized incidents where American military men gave their lives in similar suicidal circumstances and were remembered as heroes… though not by the Japanese. So, probably, these men are regarded as heroes by people unfriendly to you… as Japan also had its heroes.

This is not yet a war, mainly because it is not yet clear who is responsible for the loss of lives and property. Naturally there are threats of revenge by some of your people, for it was a “cowardly act” and the perpetrators must be punished. “An eye for an eye” is still one of My Old Testament “proclamations.” And a “powerful nation,” such as yours, must not let such a “defeat” go unpunished. One important question, however, is: will violent force be used against “suspected” enemies, even if the actual participants cannot be identified? Thus, will it be moral to kill some number of folk who are “somewhat like” the actual bombers, who, of course, have already given their lives for their “cause,” whatever it is.

In My earth, today, there are several ways of approaching and being true to Me… servants of Mine. I have created humans to be different from one another… and have encouraged much of the diversity that is evident among religions – ways of relating back to Me. I also have allowed differences in life styles and in economic status.

Hence, this is a “harder world” to live in than if I had created and encouraged much LESS diversity and difference. So, yes, I Am responsible for some of the discord in the earth. I am not proud of this, but I do see it as “better” than a more homogeneous population.

So… there is competition among humans and among human groups here in My Earth… and some of the results of this I see as Good. I don’t control individuals and groups, as I could, for I do prefer seeing what humans can do, with My help or without it.

As you might expect, of course, from My perspective on the Earth scene, this loss of human life is of no great concern. An “excess” of humans is part of the cause of this happening, and there is no way that I can reduce human numbers that does not seem tragic. As I’ve told you, I haven’t decided what to do about “over-population,” but I am not completely shocked by some unexpected event such as this. Whatever I do, or allow, won’t be popular, with most.

WED., SEPT. 12, 2001, 1:35 PM

The news of yesterday and today focuses on this well-planned act of terrorism against your country, symbolized by the Trade Center and Pentagon as the targets. This is a “tragedy,” because “innocent” people were killed as they were just doing their jobs on a Tuesday morning. Used in this way “innocent” means that the ones killed had done nothing to or against those who caused the destruction. The “enemy,” presumably, is your country… your culture… as the most powerful on the earth today, with the terrorists being some who feel . . .

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