A New Beginning

TUES., JAN. 3, 1989, 5:58 AM

The new beginning to which this title refers is, of course, that of your Sunday morning class, based in these Teachings. It is My desire that there be such a class, and therefore I shall offer you the help you need to get it off to a good start. Be attentive, o son.

As I have told you many times I, the Holy Spirit, Who was and am in Jesus, the Christ and Who is the Counseling, Teaching, Supportive aspect of Almighty God, the Creator and Sustainer, am quite active in this earth, in the culture of which you are a part, and in your life. I work when, and where, and with whom I please, which is good Presbyterian doctrine. I work in some lives because I am invited. I work in others, even with no invitation. I work directly, and I work through people. I work through clergy and through very lay people, through young and through old.

And yet… because I have established this earth and its peoples to function in natural ways I do not often interfere or intervene in the actions of people and the earth. As Jesus I worked a few miracles, and these were remembered and described in what became My Holy Scriptures. And yet I did relatively few, as against what I could have done or was urged to do. Belief in Me and faith in Me should not be based in magic… in actions beyond the normal. I am here to help you live more fully in this natural, tangible earth, with all of its interacting consequences.

Then I will add that I still have the power to act in miraculous ways. Never doubt the power I have to overcome all powers and forces. I do wondrous things each day, some of which are appreciated and some not. I like to be thanked for help, ordinary or extraordinary, but I don’t function actively to receive praise. I love My creation, from individual creatures to the whole marvelous interacting earth, and I love to be active in it. And yet I also love the order I have established, and I so I act carefully.

I encourage you to thank Me for help even if I have not been responsible. This is not for My ego, but for your spiritual development. To be grateful to Me is healthy spiritual behavior. Interestingly, it does not diminish your sense of self to acknowledge Me as a life partner. My desire is that you be the strongest and most caring human being possible. With Me you can always become more than if you remained “on your own.” And it shall be more enjoyable, for I love to bring joy into people’s lives. I am “good tidings of great joy.”

I have chosen you for a minor task in a minor arena of earth life. You are an unlikely choice, but not a miraculous one. I have chosen you to receive Teachings from Me, which are comments and observations on life, from the ancient times of creation to this very day and beyond, in your particular culture. My Holy Scriptures are still supreme, and I shall never cease recommending that you read and study these mor diligently. Still, I am bold enough to offer you up-dates, including comments on conditions different from Biblical times.

The “professional” reason for selecting you for this task is that I desire that the spiritual dimension be restored to the concept of health. The development of science has been important, and I allowed science to prevail in relation to medicine and health in order that it might counter foolish approaches to health and healing. But, “for everything there is a season,” and now is the time to restore the perception that spirit is vital to health and to healing. I have commissioned you, through this means of writing, to be active in having this come to pass. I use your talents in this way. I, the Holy Spirit, can “come through” any language and writing style, including yours. “What should the Holy Spirit sound like?”

I see this earth and its life in ways no mortal can. I love diversity, and I have no desire that everyone should be the same or even approach Me in the same way. Yet even this is a message I give to you, differently than one I give to some other Christians. The words I offer to you are different from words offered to other spiritual folk. Actually, some Scriptures conflict with other Scriptures, but they are part of a whole that is spiritually perfect. And so it is with spiritual matters in the earth.

TUES., JAN. 3, 1989, 5:58 AM

The new beginning to which this title refers is, of course, that of your Sunday morning class, based in these Teachings. It is My desire that there be such a class, and therefore I shall offer you the help you need to get it off to a good start. Be attentive, o son.

As I have told you many times I, the Holy Spirit, Who was and am in Jesus, the Christ and Who is the Counseling, Teaching, Supportive aspect of Almighty God, the Creator and Sustainer, am quite active in . . .

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