A New Day

SAT., FEB. 19, 1983, 7:40 AM

Yes, o son, you are beginning a new rotation of the earth that you call a day. The process by which the day is produced is not new, of course, but is as old as the earth itself. So, in one sense this “day” is just the repetition of an ancient process and does not deserve to be called “new”. But at the same time (as you expected) there is a fresh quality to this present time of light, and it does merit the title “a new day”.

As you look ahead you know that there are many more “things to do” than you can possibly accomplish. Yet you did know that this day, whenever it started, must commence with this time of committed meditation. Then you shall have to assess which of all the possible uses of time shall be the most responsible. Count it fortunate that you have so many demands upon your time. And, as I have told you many times before, give little thought to what you are not doing but give full attention to that which is your present task. During this meditation listen to Me, not to the thoughts of your mind about other things that must be done. This writing time is “not necessary”… and yet it is. There must always be time to be attuned to Me.

A new day is not without the memory of the one… and ones… past. Some of these remembrances are happy, while some are painful. This is as it should be. It is good to resolve to not repeat actions that bring painful memories. But it is better to resolve to do certain positive, helpful acts rather than focusing on what you will not do. If actions brought no continuing harm to yourself or to others thank Me (assuming that I have some responsibility for such) and get on with the possibilities of this new day. For grace and forgiveness are hallmarks of each new day. In close relationship with Me this day dawns fresh and clean, unblemished by the actions and motives of yesterday or yesterdays.

(Yes, you may change your site for just a bit more comfort. It was good to begin in this place, but you may finish elsewhere.)

SAT., FEB. 19, 1983, 7:40 AM

Yes, o son, you are beginning a new rotation of the earth that you call a day. The process by which the day is produced is not new, of course, but is as old as the earth itself. So, in one sense this “day” is just the repetition of an ancient process and does not deserve to be called “new”. But at the same time (as you expected) there is a fresh quality to this present time of light, and it does merit the title “a new day”.

As you look . . .

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