A New Day In A New Place

SUN., DEC. 21, 1986, 7:11 AM

The sun shall soon “rise” from behind clouds that lie on the horizon. The sight is a beautiful one, and you may alternate your eyes from this regular but spirit-moving event to this page. Observe but also listen. I say again that this shall be a week of instruction. Ah, the sun appears, and there is the reminder of a cooler morning before Christmas of last year. Sunrise certainly can take many forms, and many of them are spirit filling. The beauteous moment is past, however, and now you must, for comfort and safety, keep your eyes pretty much on this page.

This is a new day in a new week in a new place. It has a tropical feel to it, but you also hear a rooster crowing. On your Farm, where roosters soon will crow, your orientation is mostly to the west. Here you look to the east over a stretch of placid ocean… a new orientation as well.

The new week which We commence together is also the week of Christmas, a celebration you have experienced many times. You are usually rushed and pushed, however, and do not have the “time” for a meditation with me. Here you shall be warmed by My presence as well as by the sun that already is sharing its energy. A double dose of energy is a fine way with which to start a new week.

As the sun “rises” it is new, unique, and “special.” Even now it has become more ordinary… just a warm sun shining down with increasing fierceness. In like fashion you can commence your day with this time of teaching/learning/meditation, and this is fresh, new, and “special.” Then the day progresses and much of the “special” quality fades. It is hard to carry over the inspirational quality of these beginnings into the activities of the day. Though I am a part of each moment of life I do not frequently intrude blatantly into your other activities. The development of your spirit requires that you apply what you have learned and experienced… even promised. Only persons of high spiritual development can do this with ease and comfort. Yet I do urge you to realize this is that toward which you are moving.

A new place means new activities, with a minimum of continuing responsibilities. Experience this as fully as you can. Do not let lingering responsibilities intrude except by design. Savor the new experiences, even if these are merely relaxation and leisure time. Yet also gently give thought to the time beyond this vacation experience and consider what you want to and need to do. You have many choices, though your opportunities are not as extensive and demanding as in earlier years. This is as it should be. Do not consider this as loss so much as just the best development for you in the progression of your life.

Now the sun is obscured by cloud. The warmth and glorious promise of the day has been buffered and reduced by this natural coincidence. Days often commence with much promise, but clouds intrude. Anticipate these changes. Adapt as they come. For though this is a new day in a new place My presence is familiar, and your experiences from this life (and “before”) all come to bear on these new circumstances. In one sense you are a new person in this new day. In another, you are a fairly well developed person who brings all of this to this “new” day, which cannot be completely new because of this continuity.

SUN., DEC. 21, 1986, 7:11 AM

The sun shall soon “rise” from behind clouds that lie on the horizon. The sight is a beautiful one, and you may alternate your eyes from this regular but spirit-moving event to this page. Observe but also listen. I say again that this shall be a week of instruction. Ah, the sun appears, and there is the reminder of a cooler morning before Christmas of last year. Sunrise certainly can take many forms, and many of them are spirit filling. The beauteous moment is past, however, and . . .

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