A New Day… Week

MON., FEB. 21, 2000, 7:14 AM

By the calendar, yesterday was the first day of this new week, and it was good that you spent more of it in church than usual. It was a nearly cloudless day; today the clouds have returned. This, according to your “plan” shall be a day of both accomplishment and “puttering.” There is much to do here, and you are up in time for a full day, but… will you? You begin this “work week” with a Teaching from Me, your everpresent Holy Spirit. A good commencement.

I’ll recommend that you make a list, starting off with the one, to your right, with some tasks still “not marked off.” And yet I also like the spirit of “puttering” for folks your age. Make this day an artful combination.

You had mixed feelings about your Church before yesterday’s meeting, and these remain, in a somewhat altered form. It was a meeting that was part of the “Mission Study,” necessary before you can seek another permanent spiritual leader. Attendance and participation was good, probably more than 50 people. Yet… is that good if your membership is several hundred? The report was that half of the members pledge, in dollar support of the mission… but, also, half do not. Is this a healthy congregation?

You have two eyes, but one of them works less and less well. Your left hand is only partly functional, as is your right foot. Yet you can still see, you can do most of what you need to do with your hands… for this right one functions well… and you walk with only a slight limp. You wish for a body that “is” as good as it “was”… but you are still pleased with the functioning that you still have.

You are at just about the average age for length of life, in your culture. This means that half of your age group have dropped their earth bodies and moved on, while the other half are still in bodily form, but mostly with some losses. Be pleased with what you still have… and that you are in “the living half.”

You look out at trees that tell you it still is the winter season. It has not been a severe season, and even if there are some more days and nights of cold you still can anticipate the Spring season. For one important feature of earth life, here in this place, is the balance between living in and enjoying the present and anticipating the future, with comparable joy. (I say “here” because, typically, you experience each of the four seasons of the year about equally, so you can appreciate each, while anticipating the next.)

As you consider and anticipate the movement on to the spirit realm best for you, you hope that it will be one without the concerns for money. It is hard for you to imagine how that might be. You admit to yourself that you have always had sufficient money for the life you’ve wanted to lead. And yet you’ve also had a constant, low-level fear that you’ll need more than you have. This is mildly troublesome, so just accept that you probably will have this “as a companion” for the rest of your life here. I can’t do much about this, except to smile at your apprehensions.

MON., FEB. 21, 2000, 7:14 AM

By the calendar, yesterday was the first day of this new week, and it was good that you spent more of it in church than usual. It was a nearly cloudless day; today the clouds have returned. This, according to your “plan” shall be a day of both accomplishment and “puttering.” There is much to do here, and you are up in time for a full day, but… will you? You begin this “work week” with a Teaching from Me, your everpresent Holy Spirit. A good commencement.

I’ll recommend that . . .

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