A “New Era”?

SAT., JULY 26, 1997, 5:45 AM

Yes, o son, you have completed the long era of your life… that of a full-time professor. Now you are in transition, for though it is logical that if one era is over another must have begun, this isn’t quite so for you, at this time. Until your office is vacated and all that is therein is put in some place out here your new emeritus/retired era can’t quite begin. You have put off doing that hard task, but now you must begin this transition.

You assume I will continue to be with you, and I will, but despite your responding to My call this morning you are not very attentive and focused. This is bothersome to you, and it should be, for you do want this relationship to continue. Now that more of these “former students” know of this “partnership” you wouldn’t want it to diminish. I’ll just say… if you come I’ll be with you, even if the Teaching takes longer. You should have more time with Me. Remember… this isn’t a speed contest. Teachings written fast are not necessarily better than those that seem to take more time… and these are, finally, outside of time. So… be faithful to Me, and I’ll be faithful to you.

As you would expect I’ll continue to be on you until this Spring Ruminations is written and mailed. It is on the theme of Human/Spiritual Interacting, and you see that the material you have from Me can’t all be included, so… the Summer Letter can continue the same theme, a good one, certainly. I do want you to get back “on schedule”, for this a product from the era just past that must continue on into this next one.

Now that you have “revealed yourself” to several groups of students, some of whom have truly “been sent” to you, it is important that you catch up and be faithful to Our joint venture. Some of these new readers will appreciate what We do together. Then you realize that is also is the time for the church newsletter… and then comes the reunion in Colorado… This new era will feel a lot like the one you presumably have finished!

Hear Me, then, as I tell you this is a time of transition. I can’t tell you how long it will be, and this isn’t supremely important. Just know that I want you in a quieter, less hectic way of life, with plenty of time for contemplation of the spirit as the essence of life. You will write in this now very familiar way as you hear Me, Holy Spirit. You will do Our Letter, regularly and seasonally. Then you and I can consider what else you may write, as “products” of this new era.

You have no great yearning to become computer literate, but it will be something to consider now. You see, in student papers, how this instrument, with printer, can produce a more handsome “outcome”, and this is appealing. In some ways you don’t want to feel “passed by”, for this certainly is the era of the computer as a means of communication.

And yet the typewriter is familiar, and you’re satisfied with this transformation of your handwritten material into something more “modern”. I have no objection to your going another “step”, but I, too, am satisfied with Our present mode. All that is new is not necessarily better than what has been. Either way, I want you to be comfortable in this new era.

It is right that you are feeling pleased with the era in which you have been a teacher. You have guided learning in some good ways, and you have grown personally as you have helped others grow. Your field has progressed toward a more holistic perspective, and you have helped with this, with assistance from Me. The moves you have made have been just right, and you are in a good place for this next era, one quite suitable for you and Lenore.

SAT., JULY 26, 1997, 5:45 AM

Yes, o son, you have completed the long era of your life… that of a full-time professor. Now you are in transition, for though it is logical that if one era is over another must have begun, this isn’t quite so for you, at this time. Until your office is vacated and all that is therein is put in some place out here your new emeritus/retired era can’t quite begin. You have put off doing that hard task, but now you must begin this transition.

You assume . . .

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