A “New” Life

SUN., AUG. 1, 1982, 6:18 AM

The call came in the dark of the morning, o son, with the information from your son that he now has a son. The babe has been born. He is large and healthy, and Wendy has lost her largeness… is strong and well. A “new” life in the earth has begun… one who shall have association with you in some special ways.

Why do I urge the quote marks around “new”? You know, essentially, but let Me state it directly and then elaborate. Physically, this is a real new life, created a bit over nine months ago, developing in the womb, and now coming forth for an independent life that shall continue as long as there is breath, heart beat, and brain function. The body grows from two tiny cells to the fullness of stature and maturity in about two decades (of earth time). Then it plateaus for some years, and then commences to decline. Eventually death comes, and the life is over. A life is created, is born, grows and develops, functions, adapts, declines, ceases to function, dies. This is physical life, here in the earth.

It has a circular quality to it because, with all of humankind, it is going on simultaneously. As this new life was born, old people were dying, middle-aged people were dying of premature disease, young people were dying in accidents and other traumatics, and even babies were dying when their development was not sufficient for independent life. Even some were dying in utero, unable to be sustained in growth. Yet you know the figures… despite the deaths at all ages and from diverse causes there are more new lives beginning each day than those ending. This is worrisome to Me, but that’s not the focus of this teaching.

So, the whole seems circular, even if overbalanced a bit toward surplus. The individual life, however, appears to be linear, as I have already described. For the life that is spirit, I affirm this is only appearance.

It appears, to anyone standing upon a place in the earth, no matter how high, that the earth is essentially flat. Yet the concept slowly developed in some men, despite the ridicule and non-belief of the many, that the earth was circular… that its size was responsible for the appearance of flatness. Some finally did what once had seemed impossible – traveled in essentially the same direction and returned to the starting point. You can go “around the world”. Space travel and cameras and film have confirmed what once seemed illogical and “wrong”. The earth is a circular ball.

Lives of humans appear linear, and they are physically, obviously, and are spiritually, in an ultimate sense. Out of Me each is created and started on the path toward enlightenment. When this is reached there is a gentle, natural, willing union and oneness with Me.

But, in the meantime… some spirits never incarnate into bodies and have earth lives. Some do this, but only once, so their earth experience is linear, only a part of their more extensive spiritual journey. (You went only once to Japan and perhaps shall never return. It is part of your development, but small in relation to the whole.) Some, however, and this new grandson, Justin Michael, is one, come repeatedly into earth life in their path toward spiritual maturity. So, intertwined with this new little (or not so little) body is a not-so-new soul. Hence the title: a “new” life.

Yes, the analogy in your mind is an apt one. You will return to Hawaii this week. You have not spent your whole life there, but it has been a powerful influence. And as you return it is not as one going for the first time.

There is a good and powerful spirit in this young grandson. Help to nurture it, though you must avoid conflicts with the parental roles. Just await the opportunities that shall come. In the lives of both of you there shall be a sharing of spiritual matters.

Blessings on you both
7:31 AM