A New Season Approacheth

FRI., AUG. 30, 1991, 11:18 AM

The heat and humidity of summer is still present in this middle-of-the-land, but you have seen the first signs of leaves turning, and August becomes September this weekend. The regular teaching season has begun, and soon the whole tempo and temperature of life shall be different. I am pleased that you enjoy the rhythm of the seasons. This is a fine feature of earth life, as many experience it.

Your classes have commenced well, and you are properly concerned about the development of spirit in these groups. You are a bit slow in truly having all names and faces known, but you should complete this as a new week comes and goes. Your song and story presentations loom ahead, and you know, if you do these as you are able to, that classes have a better quality after such sessions. Practice at least some for each.

Your “outside” tasks… conventions, other lectures, etc… are still reasonable, so be careful about any new assignments. Don’t let this become an overburdened season. Be ready as Diane falters or when Sunday class sessions don’t work out to have some Teachings ready for hearing and for discussion. This is not your class, but it shall offer opportunities for you to have these members consider My words. Don’t be pushy, but be prepared and not reluctant. You and Joyce had a good conversation this morning about spiritual matters. It is not over, and thus it should be continued in the time that she is here. Be a bit more probing about statements she makes, and listen carefully to both what she says… and what you say in response and reaction.

Yes, o son, this should be a season of spiritually oriented conversations. Mabel shall be here this next month, and you must have more conversations with her than you usually do. She is in a mellowing time, and though the two of you will not agree on some matters it shall be good if you share with her, as well as listen. Then there shall be others… perhaps some colleagues, some students, some fellow Presbyterians. These shall not all be comfortable and immediately satisfying (though some will), but it shall be a season for such, no matter how they seem to be. And don’t forget the convention, and the possibilities it always presents. Your two presentations at the Women’s Health Conference are ones for which you should prepare well, and from which can come some good spiritual interchanges.

Be sure you arrange to be at the mid-week Bible study. The Letter of James is one with which you should be more familiar. It also would be good if you would commit yourself to study of the two Corinthian letters, as the Bible class considers these. It is a time for Bible study, this season is, and I shall lead you more directly in this.

Let this be a season of contemplation as well as busyness. This can be done in complete quiet, or it can be done as a part of wood cutting, gardening, or other routine chores. Consider the nature of Me, the Triune God. Consider how I must be reacting to various earth events. Consider how your personal faith and understanding is like and unlike your “normal” Presbyterian Christian. Let one contemplation lead to another. Know that following this suggestion will make for a fine season.

Oh, yes, in conversations about spirit, be sure and engage your son, John Patrick, who now has another volume of your Teachings to copy. He is in an interesting spiritual place just now, and he should share it with you. Then, speaking of sons, keep trying to have some time with Matthew. Don’t be put off by his apparent unwillingness. He should be glad to spend some time with you… and he also may be having some spiritual-type thoughts. You won’t know unless you ask.

FRI., AUG. 30, 1991, 11:18 AM

The heat and humidity of summer is still present in this middle-of-the-land, but you have seen the first signs of leaves turning, and August becomes September this weekend. The regular teaching season has begun, and soon the whole tempo and temperature of life shall be different. I am pleased that you enjoy the rhythm of the seasons. This is a fine feature of earth life, as many experience it.

Your classes have commenced well, and you are properly concerned about the development of spirit in these groups. You . . .

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