A New “Treatment”

SAT., JUNE 6, 1998,7:43 AM

In your striving to regain your health, vigor, and functioning you are embarking on a new type of treatment. Your “faith in it” is not super, but neither do you have a strong sense that surgery is the “way”. It seems to be worth both the time and the money to give this non-invasive approach a chance.

It is hard for you, of course, to accept that in this 8th decade of your life you are losing capacities that you have taken for granted during your life. You knew, of course, that losses would come, but, somehow, they wouldn’t be major… and they wouldn’t be your losses. This poses for you, then, the spiritual task of balancing – changing what can be changed and accepting what cannot.

You have an unspoken goal of finishing this earth life functioning as well as you are able, not in the medical care system. To “live longer” but as a “patient” does not seem to be your best way, and of this I approve. Just know that as you are not as healthy as some your age you are healthier than others. Look to what you have, utilize it, and be thankful for the positives in life, including this relationship with Me.

It is good that you still have a few responsibilities (though it also is good that these are diminishing). Balance these as your spirit leads. I’ll keep pushing for you to write at least one card or letter, responding to those who have been especially important to you… in quite a variety of ways. See this encyclopedia project as sort of a “gift” from Me. Do it with this as a perspective.

Yesterday the cows were out, but you and Lenore were able to get them back in quite easily. You wonder how long these capacities will last. Just as there is now no horse in the pasture will there be a time when there are no cows. Will you have chickens again? Will the rabbits finally be “too much”? It’s difficult, I know, but the continuing “treatment” that I recommend is a focus on what you have and what you still can do rather than on what you are losing… or have already lost.

As the trees around you leaf out into their full “summer attire”, as the sun shines on and through the leaves you are reminded of the beauty of this place… your place. Last evening it was a surprise to have a warm fire in the fireplace, an almost “freak” late Spring evening. Accept such occurrences… unexpected… as a wonderful part of this last portion of your earth life. Know that you shall have full spiritual remembrance of such happenings as you move to spirit realms. Seek to appreciate them now, as a kind of “preparation” for appreciating them “then”.

All aspects of this new “treatment” are not completely pleasant. Yet take it as your challenge to have your spirit working with the treatment and not against it. Perceive each facet as a possible help, enjoying the process as much as possible… rather than just “enduring it”. If you’re going to do it, do so with a positive, affirming spirit.

And, again, I urge you to let this be “your way of being”. Focus not upon all that needs to be done and all that you haven’t accomplished (or even started!). Instead do what you do with a merry and thankful heart, enjoying both the process and the result. For example (and you do this pretty well) look with pleasure on the grass that is mowed, and see that which is unmowed as a nice feast for the rabbits or cows.

SAT., JUNE 6, 1998,7:43 AM

In your striving to regain your health, vigor, and functioning you are embarking on a new type of treatment. Your “faith in it” is not super, but neither do you have a strong sense that surgery is the “way”. It seems to be worth both the time and the money to give this non-invasive approach a chance.

It is hard for you, of course, to accept that in this 8th decade of your life you are losing capacities that you have taken for granted during your life. You knew, of . . .

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