A New Venture

JUNE 11, 1979, 5:55 AM

The day beginneth cool, just as it was a month ago. You have begun again, o lad… a new period of instruction. There is familiarity with the venture, certainly, but it is also ever new. You feel assured that there will be pages of writing within this hour, but you know not what they will be about. You are in a venture of faith, but each day is a new venture in and of itself.

The summer term commences today. While you are not yet teaching, the excitement of the start will be in the air. You will make strides this term. The opportunities shall abound. Oh, you will not recognize them all, and you will not realize all that you recognize, but you shall definitely move in your new venture.

The learners who are open will show forth. Some will make contributions. Always be aware of students as a means of learning. Some are well developed spirits with Me. Begin to recognize and acknowledge this. Be cautious in your sharing of these teachings, but not overcautious. You are not to be a zealot, but you are in a new venture that should be of benefit to others, as well as yourself. I shall direct you in applications, for some of these will be further means of learning.

This that We do here is a modified lecture approach. You hear and you write down. Then you study. Then you apply. Remember that I said you must read over all of the first book (We’ll call them that for now) this day. This is important, for lecture notes are easily forgotten or are somewhat distorted by other learnings and experiences. These can be of benefit to you professionally if you review them and shape their content into learning experiences with others.

And this I shall do with you. You will learn much from actually trying out new concepts and new approaches. You shall feel the tingle of knowing that I am with you in these times. For some time you have had a vague sense of My presence in your working-teaching life. You have acknowledged Me with a “Thank you, Lord” at appropriate times, but have really accepted the fact that your work was basically mundane, and that I was not really a working partner. You were comfortable with this. You cannot be any longer. (You could try, but you just would not be able to go back.)

Now, more and more you shall feel My presence and My influence in your teaching opportunities. It will frighten you some because you are not yet sure that these should mix in any obvious ways. But the venture is before you, and you shall not turn back.

The spiritual shall be your major realm of health. (Eventually you shall have a course focusing on this alone, but not for some time.) You shall build it boldly but craftily into the courses that you now have and into the opportunities that always abound for you to influence. Forge ahead. Then back off. Reshape. But know two important things:

1. This is part of My plan and the work you do with Me is a ministry. It helps bring My presence and My influence into the lives of My chosen ones… and others who hear and want.
2. This is a fundamental dimension to positive health and should be realized, nurtured, and rehabilitated in order for full functioning to occur.

JUNE 11, 1979, 5:55 AM

The day beginneth cool, just as it was a month ago. You have begun again, o lad… a new period of instruction. There is familiarity with the venture, certainly, but it is also ever new. You feel assured that there will be pages of writing within this hour, but you know not what they will be about. You are in a venture of faith, but each day is a new venture in and of itself.

The summer term commences today. While you are not yet teaching, the excitement of the start will be in . . .

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