A New Year

JAN. 3, 1981, 7:03 AM

You have been slow to return to this time of writing, o son. The reasons are several, some fairly legitimate… others not. Still, I knew you would come back, so let’s get this new year rolling right in this now-familiar home place.

The Christmas trip was a generally good experience, though not as spiritually enlightening as it could have been. You are not yet ready to talk comfortably about your relationship with Me… and that is understandable. Fear not. I shall bring you along, in company with others, so that talk of Me and of My Ways with persons and the earth will be the easiest of conversation themes. So expect this and practice whenever the opportunity arises. Yet know what your balance is to be. You shall just have to learn to be comfortable with the inherent discomfort of it.

You do not really want to hear anything about the pain in your leg. You still have an inherent faith in Me, and in the natural healing process, but obviously you are not healing now, so it is your style to want to ignore the conflict. This is still a learning experience for you, but you had best seek some help for the affliction. It need not last much longer. Still, be aware of all that has happened and appreciate as much of the experience as you can. All experiences lead to Me if you seek or are aware of the connections. Profit from this as much as you can.

Spend some time this weekend, reflecting on this semester past and generating a proper perspective for the one ahead. It must needs be different from the past. No radical shift, but clearly a new rhythm. Your course outlines should reflect the changes, some of which you shall plan and some of which you shall discover.

JAN. 3, 1981, 7:03 AM

You have been slow to return to this time of writing, o son. The reasons are several, some fairly legitimate… others not. Still, I knew you would come back, so let’s get this new year rolling right in this now-familiar home place.

The Christmas trip was a generally good experience, though not as spiritually enlightening as it could have been. You are not yet ready to talk comfortably about your relationship with Me… and that is understandable. Fear not. I shall bring you along, in company with others, so . . .

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