A New Year? Ho Ho!

THURS., DEC. 30, 1999, 2:58 PM

Yes, o son, I have to utter a holy Ho Ho at all the fuss about a new year, even a new century. As I have told you repeatedly, I, and the diverse spirit world, are outside of time… not bound by time, not subject to time. Much of what you in your culture are concerned with, and about, has a time element to it, to a greater… or a lesser… extent. So I know it is almost impossible for you to “feel” what it is like to be outside of time. But then I’ll add… when you drop your body and come on over you’ll fit right back in. You’ll even wonder why you couldn’t experience “this” in the earth.

Many of the new “devices” that will be developed in the near future (that’s about as close as I come to expressing a time factor… OK, I did advise you to clean this desk on a particular day, and you were only off by one!) will be designed to “save time”… to operate faster. Oh, there are some advantages to such speed-ups, but I, Holy Spirit, have little interest in “speeding up.” In fact, I have as much trouble “imagining” accomplishing tasks “faster” as you do in really feeling the reality of timelessness. I have no need or desire to function in time and space, but I have to be aware of what it is like to deal with at least some of you humans. When you do come back on over you also will become, again, just an “observer” of time. Meanwhile…

As you look over the obituary notices in the daily paper, you see that most of those so remembered have lived into their 70’s, 80’s, even 90’s. You are nearing mind-70’s, about the mean or median age for the death of males in your area. This New Year, coming soon, certainly, will see you turning 74… actually finishing your 74th year and moving on into your 75th. This is three quarters of a century (I can still deal with time… I just don’t have to… and do consider it rather silly… or perhaps “primitive” is an apt term.)

Or is it?! Here in the earth the people you, in your culture, call “primitive” are the ones least concerned with time… or at least calculate it in large rather than small terms. As folks become more “civilized” they are supposed to become more responsible, and in “civilized” cultures responsibility is closely tied with time.

But from My perspective, your mechanized, technological, advanced cultures are more “primitive” than the spirit realms I frequent. You are beginning to have “glimpses” of such a contrast, but you can’t “get it” yet. You’ll know when you’re in your last earth incarnation when you can easily “see through” and “around” this artifact called time… and all that it produces as a base for a culture.

The “big deal” for the rest of this week will be “the end” of one year, the last year of the second millenium, and the start of a new year, the first of a third millenium.” And this is calculated to be from the date of My birth, as Jesus. Of course there have been time changes in the meantime… and “best guesses” as to when, exactly, I was born. So it is amusing to Me (and I am much more amused by earth life than disturbed by it) that so much is made over this Y2K expectation… the fear that computers, developed by your best technology, won’t be able to progress on to 2000… the fear that computers will want to “repeat this century”… or just “give up” on this aspect of time.

There may be some “tragic” happenings, but all will be tied to a somewhat inept desire for “progress” and “more speed.” You don’t anticipate any troubles other than your leaking pipe and a bit of inconvenience in turning on and turning off your water supply.

THURS., DEC. 30, 1999, 2:58 PM

Yes, o son, I have to utter a holy Ho Ho at all the fuss about a new year, even a new century. As I have told you repeatedly, I, and the diverse spirit world, are outside of time… not bound by time, not subject to time. Much of what you in your culture are concerned with, and about, has a time element to it, to a greater… or a lesser… extent. So I know it is almost impossible for you to “feel” what it is like to be outside of . . .

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