A New Year Storm

SAT., JAN. 2, 1999, 6:44 AM

It is a new year, by the way you humans calculate time, now the last year of this century. The storm that commenced last evening was what is often the worst of storms – freezing rain and ice. You awoke this morning happy to see evidences that your Farmhouse still has electricity. Wires do succumb to the build-up of ice. But I am the Holy Spirit, not a weather forecaster/reporter.

You commence this year with a few imperfections. You have some use of this left hand, but you assume the loss of muscle function that you now experience will not be regained. Your right foot is slightly bothersome, and will continue to be, if you let yourself be bothered. Your memory is slipping. You still hope for some return of sexual functioning… which could be.

Remember, however, that I Have encouraged you to view health as a positive aspect of life. Your career was in health, not in medicine, where the emphasis is on “what’s wrong?” Consider, instead, all that you now have. Most recently, you had the good sense to come home rather early last evening. You had the strength and ability to remove the ice from windshield and windows, and you had the capacity to make the drive home without any accident. You have firewood sufficient for this early part of the winter season, and dead trees “spotted” that can make up any deficit.

You are in the process of typing Our Ruminations, one in which I got to say more than you did… but, still, a pretty good balance. You have resolved to “renovate” your study, and this seems to be a perfect day for such a venture. You have a Newsletter to write, but there may not be much publishable news. The Minutes have been written. Other responsibilities are random and minimal.

I call for this to be a year of improving your contemplation. I approve of your basic attitude toward news and new information – moderation on to less and less concern. You have “encountered” many ideas and concepts in your life, thus far. You shall not live very long in this new century, and you need have little concern for the ideas and technologies of this “new age”. But, if this life you’ve lived is to be fully worthwhile you must give major focus to the spiritual… how does your spirit interpret and react to the ideas and activities of the life you’ve been privileged to live?

You have quite a strong sense of My leading you, having chosen you as a minor, but special, servant during these latter years. Therefore you accept (don’t you?) that while you have responded well, in general, to My leadings and have made good choices – of mate, career, location, worship style, use of time… you have had difficulty in seeing the potential for spiritual growth in the “bad times” and in the “imperfections”.

You have a good sense that life is, finally, spirit, and that life continues beyond that of this particular body – has before and will again. You accept that there is much, in your life, that deserves contemplation. You have the time, but haven’t yet developed the capacity… the “style”. Again… try… but also be aware of trying too hard. Let Me help. Don’t “put it off”, but don’t rush into it, for accomplishment.

It is wise to make some preparation during this year for some technological disruptions as the world’s computers try to adapt to the new century… and you people try to adapt to what the computers do… and don’t do. I haven’t caused this, but… surprise!? … I am aware of this situation, and I have allowed it – as a test of spirit. Your Western humans have become over-impressed with your capacities to make life easier and more efficient. So I look forward to your capacities to adapt… to whatever the conditions that result from these glitches.

SAT., JAN. 2, 1999, 6:44 AM

It is a new year, by the way you humans calculate time, now the last year of this century. The storm that commenced last evening was what is often the worst of storms – freezing rain and ice. You awoke this morning happy to see evidences that your Farmhouse still has electricity. Wires do succumb to the build-up of ice. But I am the Holy Spirit, not a weather forecaster/reporter.

You commence this year with a few imperfections. You have some use of this left hand, but you assume . . .

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