A New Year’s Greeting

THURS., JAN. 2, 1992, 7:00 AM

Hail, o son. You are right in affirming that I am not concerned with a new calendar year on this planet earth. Time is a human invention, and it can be as harmful as it is helpful. So though there is no particular religious or spiritual significance to it, I nonetheless offer you a New Year’s greeting.

You finished your Ruminations as you purposed to do. It was difficult only as it made you think and consider some of the wisdom in new contexts. Naturally I was with you as you did it, and I’d call it quite adequate. For some readers it will be ever so provocative. For a few, with fears of death, it will sound a bit macabre. But you know by this time that you’re not writing these to please some person, even some audience. You are writing these in appreciation to Me and as a rather bold assertion that I, the Holy Spirit, do speak to you about actions and perceptions in the earth scene of which you are apart.

Yes, o son, you are aware of so little that is going on in the earth, even at this moment. Then I’ll hasten to say that you are better informed than most of your fellow humans… and certainly better informed because of My Teachings to you. I’ll say, yet again, that those volumes of Teachings behind you now are the best source of information, knowledge, and wisdom about you, the earth, My realms, and Me that is available, other than My Holy Scriptures. I do urge you yet again, to read and study these Scriptures, so that you know them better. They continue to be of great relevance to human life, and I want you to be a Christian who knows his heritage.

I continue to affirm that you are not to be a prophet. I do not offer you prophesies about the future and shall not in the future. Yet I observe that this is a time of economic recession, and your university will make some difficult decisions in order to help the state to a better balance. My message to you continues: you must be prepared to live a bit more frugally, and you must not be overconcerned about your future. Continue in close relationship with Me, and give to those in need and to causes that need your support. Continue to reduce the money spent on publications you do not read. Continue to reconsider membership in professional groups, retaining what is relevant and withdrawing support from what is not. I still affirm that I shall see that you have all you need.

You wonder what you should and will do should you develop some bodily condition that seems to require rather severe medical treatment. The first advice is, naturally, positive: maintain your positive attitude toward your health, being much more concerned about the health of your spirit than of your body… for body tends to react to spirit more than to other influences. Yet at your age you can expect some deterioration, and you are not yet old enough to say, Que sera… whatever will be will be. So you may have to submit to treatment, but I urge you not to go back on the premise that your body is its best healer, and that medications can be as dangerous as they are helpful. If there is some situation requiring decision I certainly shall advise you. Your foot and your shoulder have not healed quickly and well, but your attitude is excellent. The best balance is that which your body attains, in most cases.

THURS., JAN. 2, 1992, 7:00 AM

Hail, o son. You are right in affirming that I am not concerned with a new calendar year on this planet earth. Time is a human invention, and it can be as harmful as it is helpful. So though there is no particular religious or spiritual significance to it, I nonetheless offer you a New Year’s greeting.

You finished your Ruminations as you purposed to do. It was difficult only as it made you think and consider some of the wisdom in new contexts. Naturally I was with you as . . .

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