A Notable Day

WED., FEB. 19, 1997, 8:55 PM

This Teaching will span across this day in your life, with obvious expansive comments on your circumstances and your actions. It now is quiet and the fire burns hot… the end of a good day.

The day began early with the 5AM alarm, followed by chores in the dark. Then came the drive to Belleville, with an ominous sound in the engine. It brought forth prayers from you… and did I respond? You motored up and back with no problems, so I accept the thanks. It truly isn’t important whether I deserved such or not. Pray often. Thank even more often. It makes no real difference whether I did or did not do some miracle. I could. Just know this.

The report on Lenore’s knee was good, and the procedure seems to have been successful. I have no objection to successful surgeries or other modern, technological “miracles”. If such allows… or even empowers… the recipient to serve Me with more verve and strength… glory be! But just to come through a procedure to plod along in life, worrying about the next “departure” from health is what I see too often. Saved for what?

Remember that My most inclusive love is for all that I have created. Humans were last, and you often consider yourselves to be first, but I don’t hold to this. Humans have My greatest gifts, but can also bring about the worst devastation. The purpose of human life is to serve Me. This can be purposeful, and when it is it can show forth a great variety. It also can be non-in‘tent’ional, when one serves others, in unique & dedicated ways yet not consciously for Me… I can accept this as “service”.

But life just for longevity I say has little value. This shades, then, into your afternoon class, with the matter of euthanasia and on into suicide, assisted or not. I observe a few suicides that are unnecessary and sad. These are mostly in young people, with potential in life ahead. Despite the rigid interpretation of one of My Commandments, I tell you that I approve of some suicides. There are two reasons for this statement.

One if that I discern a real spirit of sacrifice. “My death will free others to live more fully. ‘It is a far, far better thing I do…’” This comes in many forms, but I can clearly discern the heart and the motives… and when I do, do I say Bravo!… Welcome!

The other is related to lives that are going nowhere, and despite potential opportunities, the life is a “loser”. (This does happen, and I’m usually quite willing to help such a soul “start over”, in a more appropriate environment). My mission is to all humans, but I don’t control most lives, and I do see a lot of “misfits”. Just as you observed the mold in the Dream Whip, so I see lives being lived poorly and destructively, with needs to start over. I sometimes feel “worse” about a person who lives on, destructively, making life difficult for others. This is the imperfect-perfect world I “oversee”.

There was an exhilaration in your relationship with the class today. You had all of the names, and it was stimulating to interact with two smaller groups. You know them better now, and they are coming to know you, also. This is My major regret in relation to your coming… deserved… retirement. In situations like today you teach with real spirit, and this is what I want… and regret the lacks that I see. Be aware that this is your “gift”, and offer it to Me. I promise to accept it, with joy and appreciation.

WED., FEB. 19, 1997, 8:55 PM

This Teaching will span across this day in your life, with obvious expansive comments on your circumstances and your actions. It now is quiet and the fire burns hot… the end of a good day.

The day began early with the 5AM alarm, followed by chores in the dark. Then came the drive to Belleville, with an ominous sound in the engine. It brought forth prayers from you… and did I respond? You motored up and back with no problems, so I accept the thanks. It truly isn’t important . . .

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