A Paradigm’s A Comin’

WED., JAN. 24, 1990, 6:46 AM

The vanguard of humans who are looking for and helping create a paradigm… or way of thinking… appropriate for the future does include you. I cannot tell you exactly when it shall slide in and the present one shall slide out, for this is dependent on many factors that I choose not to control. It probably shall not come about in this lifetime of yours, but it is a comin’. And despite this probable time line I encourage you to remain in this vanguard.

As long as the economy of your culture remains strong… or even limps along somewhat intact… the old paradigm will hang on. As long as your culture encourages competition and maintains the sale of arms to self and other nations as a vital part of the economy the old paradigm will remain. There will always be some spirit of competition, for some is pleasing to Me. However, competition is more appropriate when the population is rather small. When it is as large as it is now, and growing, cooperation must supplant competition as the dominant value.

Your culture has held strongly to a scientific, mechanical view of reality, but always in an uneasy, schizophrenic alliance with Me, your Triune God. Oh, I have been rejected by a few, but most have not. Science and technology have been responsible for much of what you call progress, and I have not been as directly responsible for automobiles, telephones, computers, air conditioning… and on… It has been assumed that science and technology can develop ways of handling the waste of this high entropy life so that it is not noticed or harmful. Now it is becoming evident that this is not going to be sustainable, on a finite earth. But how much harm must come and be evident before another paradigm is in place.

“Hard” science is based in the assumption of a completely knowable and predictable world. This must also assume that I am not active in any important ways. Neither assumption is true. The earth and all of its interacting life, with its many variations, is only partly predictable… and I am as active as ever. Science will remain useful, but it will take its rightful place as just one way of knowing as the new paradigm comes along.

The most important aspect of cooperation rather than competition in an altered paradigm is in relation to spirit, to religion, to Me. There is One God. This God is recognized in many different ways… and I manifest Myself differently. I admit that I have abetted the competition and rivalry among religions. This had a purpose. There was a time for this. Now is a time for reconciliation… for the achievement of peace in the realm of spirit and religion. This does not mean that there will be some universal religion, anymore than there will be one language, one nation, or one culture. Rather it means an acknowledgment of One God, Who has come in many ways and forms but is “in charge” of this earth, One who likes both unity and diversity.

Cultures like yours must hew to the spiritual principle of giving up something good for something better… giving up your notions of progress and dominance for a sustainable world. The spirit of cooperative sharing must supplant the of competition and accumulation into affluence. Vaccines and medications will continue to have a place, but there must be a more spiritual perception of death as a normal part of the life cycle.

It would be helpful if there were more acceptance of at least the possibility of continuing life after apparent death, with one possibility being a return to earth life for further spiritual development. In your culture’s secular life you do value experience and competence developed during a lifetime. That value could be applied to the return of spirits who have had previous earth experience. This is a “long shot”, even as it seems more than reasonable to you.

WED., JAN. 24, 1990, 6:46 AM

The vanguard of humans who are looking for and helping create a paradigm… or way of thinking… appropriate for the future does include you. I cannot tell you exactly when it shall slide in and the present one shall slide out, for this is dependent on many factors that I choose not to control. It probably shall not come about in this lifetime of yours, but it is a comin’. And despite this probable time line I encourage you to remain in this vanguard.

As long as the economy of your . . .

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