A Peek At Mortality

THURS., MAR. 18, 1999, 8:41 PM

Last evening you were offered a peek at what could be called mortality… a condition that could bring on death, before you would expect it. Now I know that, deep in your being, you have accepted what I have told you repeatedly: leaving this earth… or, better, leaving this body that you have “inherited,” built, and occupied for over 72 years, is an easy process, one you’ll recognize as familiar, when you truly are in it. “You’ve done it before… you’ll do it again.”

True, there is much here that you should be doing… because you think you should. Much of this on and around your desk is of no real consequence. You have only a couple of continuing responsibilities, which you should honor and fulfill (as long as you still have them which shouldn’t be much longer). You certainly would like to have this study-room of yours less cluttered and more orderly. Yet it is true that each day’s mail tends to bring more than can’t be just “chucked” without some consideration. However, the letters from your son, Bob, do reflect a time when you were struggling… with time and various responsibilities… that now is past, for you. You truly are relatively “free.”

But many times today it did not seem so. You did wake up with a more normal pulse and blood pressure, in contrast to what you were experiencing last evening, and that was heartening. You really didn’t expect to have a heat attack or a stroke, but I did hear your prayer that your body would be able to adapt, without medical “intervention.” So… did I help? I won’t say I didn’t, but your body was adapting rather effectively. I do like your Thanks for My help with possibly dangerous situations, even when I’m not truly “necessary.” I do like that… what you might call “dependence”, but that I see as a love relationship.

While you know, certainly, that you are immortal, spiritually, your body is in a now-slowly deteriorating state. You still function moderately well, physically and mentally, but the awareness of losses is hard to deny. Consider the two polar alternatives, in relation to mortality.

One would be to come across as Michael did, suddenly, alone, and unprepared. He expected more life (though he was personally aware of some possible trouble with his heart), but it was suddenly gone. This is a possibility for you – sitting at this desk… throwing hay to your cows… driving down a highway… alone… no chance to say Goodbye (for awhile) or to express your appreciation to Lenore and others.

Another would be to have a slow-progressing cancer, a crippling heart attack, or a paralyzing stroke. The stroke would be the worst, for it could take away mental functioning, sight, hearing… You would be alive, but dependent on others for continued life. Your culture would say, “Keep him alive for as long as possible.” You would… and should… have motivations to move on, denying treatment, even food and liquid. That would be difficult, but you remember your oft-told story of Gramps. He did it. So could you.

The “middle way” is probably the best. That is, some deteriorative condition, even with pain (but reasonably controlled) that would give you some time to express love and appreciation… and even to show to others, family and friends, that dying is just another form of birth. In dying your spirit begins to move on from the body, coming back occasionally, but “lured” by the glories of the spirit realm. With no extra efforts to maintain or return life to the body it can be a pleasant, even exciting “trip”…and, for you, one you’ve experienced before.

THURS., MAR. 18, 1999, 8:41 PM

Last evening you were offered a peek at what could be called mortality… a condition that could bring on death, before you would expect it. Now I know that, deep in your being, you have accepted what I have told you repeatedly: leaving this earth… or, better, leaving this body that you have “inherited,” built, and occupied for over 72 years, is an easy process, one you’ll recognize as familiar, when you truly are in it. “You’ve done it before… you’ll do it again.”

True, there is much . . .

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