A Personal Theology

FRI., JUNE 23, 1989, 6:24 AM

Theology is the study of the nature and parameters of God. Now isn’t that a strange statement to come from Me? While true, it has no “life” to it, and therefore is of little value. A personal theology is what you have experienced about Me, the communicating, counseling nature of Almighty God. This is theology that “makes a difference”! Hear, o son, as I tell you about your personal theology. Then you can elaborate on this on the long drive home.

You don’t and can’t, know all of My Nature or Natures. You assume I have great powers, but that I choose not to use them, except as they are “necessary” or as I wish. You assume I am involved, in some way, in all earth happenings. It is incomprehensible to think that I am involved in every single life and every single interaction, all going on simultaneously, but that should be your affirmation. I am All-Powerful, All-Knowing, and Ever-Present, even as I generally let earth life flow along in its “natural course.” I could have prevented the recent killings in China, which would then have prevented the current convictions and executions. I could be criticized for this lack of prevention, but you can’t be aware of what I have prevented, in the way of destructive action, each day. Some is allowed to keep earth the challenging realm it is.

I came into the earth as Jesus of Nazareth, and I became the Christ as I lived My life. Could I have “messed up”… failed to become the Christ? Can you fail to be the servant I want you to be? Can you fail in conducting this next class in a truly spiritual fashion? The answer to each is the same, and it is in the realm of mystery. I could have failed, but I didn’t because what I do is perfect, by ultimate definition. As a born-again servant of Mine you cannot fail, no matter what the apparent results, because when you dedicate what you do to Me, the result is perfect, by definition. Could you improve? Of course. Must you improve? Not if you’re offering your work to Me.

The confusing aspect of your world view is that the education in your culture has encouraged you to consider only “natural” causes for life events. But I tell you, and it has become part of your personal theology, that I am a factor in every life happening. Did I truly carry you here on a tire that should have blown out? Did I do so because you prayed for such help? Or are actions with tires always “natural”? The great mystical nature of God is in how I am involved in each event of earth life.

Is My will being done or am I being overcome by evil forces that are wresting the earth away from Me? Or did this happen sometime in the past (the Scriptures are not clear on this point) so that satanic powers are dominant and I must struggle to have any influence. This is one interpretation of Me and the earth, but your theology labels this a sometimes useful myth. In no way have I lost dominance, even as I allow evil to be evident. Why?

Because the ultimate purpose of any life, be it a very short one or a very long one, is spiritual growth. Yes, there is a purpose to every life, for every life, and that is growth back toward Me. And in that process there is help given to others as life is lived. Spiritual growth comes out of many experiences, some of which are dangerous, mean, even nasty. I know this… really know it… so I allow some things to happen that have to be called evil.

If this is a circular process – out of Me and finally back to Me – why do I have it happen? Because I love to create. You plant roses, which eventually will die. Why? Because there is a challenge in planting to achieve the beauty of roses. Some are deformed or damaged. Some plants don’t thrive. Why do you continue? My answer is the same. I want to see this growth that I do perceive each moment. I choose to see the positive growth more than the regressions and no-growth.

FRI., JUNE 23, 1989, 6:24 AM

Theology is the study of the nature and parameters of God. Now isn’t that a strange statement to come from Me? While true, it has no “life” to it, and therefore is of little value. A personal theology is what you have experienced about Me, the communicating, counseling nature of Almighty God. This is theology that “makes a difference”! Hear, o son, as I tell you about your personal theology. Then you can elaborate on this on the long drive home.

You don’t and can’t, know all . . .

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