A Perspective On Life

THURS., JUNE 11, 1992, 10:55 AM

Your perspective on life is developing quite well, and you had a fine opportunity to share some of it with your father this morning. He obviously has been influenced by Our Ruminations, particularly as you have shared your and My perspectives on life. He is coming to see how I have worked in his life, though he was not aware of this earlier in his life. So you see that while you have come to a desirable perspective on life at an age that could be called young/old, his has come in truly his elderly time.

The first element of the life perspective I recommend is faith in My presence and power, and in both My capacities and My desires to lead you in this life… in ways I would prefer you go. Obviously you can fail to discern My desires… or you can go against them… but you have to truly know that I am in charge, and I can exert My will when, where, how, and with whom I choose. I also am the Supreme Adapter, so I can, as I wish, make your choices and actions come out as I desire.

Next, recognize that life is varied, but continuous and eternal. That which is basically you has always existed, and always will, though not as an individual soul, in which spirit is now manifested. Life is fundamentally life on a spiritual path, most experiences on which can make for spiritual growth.

Life is not “problems to solve.” Your Mother’s growing incapacities are not problems to solve (though there may be a few of these, like the medication that seems to stabilize your Mother’s mental and emotional agitations). Life is a continuing complex of relationships, most of which I share with you. To see each event and each interchange as an exercise in spirit, some small and others medium to huge, is to be truly living life fully.

Oh, there is some reality in the politics, the economics and the physical side of each earth life and of the earth itself. I do not call on you to deny these realities. Instead, I recommend that you “live with them lightly,” denying only their ultimate importance. The extra weight you’re carrying, for example, is a reality, but it shouldn’t merit very much attention and resolve. It could be important, but probably won’t be. The increasing world population is a concern, but it is one I am more able to deal with than you are. Just be satisfied that I am in the process of dealing with that, in My best way and “time.”

The purpose of any life is to serve Me and your fellow spirits. The purpose of earth life is to give of yourself for the good of others, balancing this with receiving the help of others in the spirit of appreciation. If you have money, share it with some who are needy. If you have time, do likewise. Yet there is no need to be frantic about this. With a good spiritual perspective you’ll just know what you should and should not do.

As you expressed rather well this morning, death, for you, shall offer an increase in awareness, and a clear remembrance of ways in which you succeeded in and failed to… grow. (You muffed this, not I. The thought is right, but the sentence structure is awful.) Just as when you come back to this island you see things you’ve seen before but have forgotten, so it is at death, only multiplied. You actually are rather good at dying, which is one reason you’re teaching the course that you do. Perhaps sometime, before you retire, you’ll share this perception/truth with a class.

Nothing that you would do could remove you from My influence… unless it was strongly purposeful and continuous. You are not likely to turn away, for you have to admit that no other perspective on life is as appealing, except in the very short run.

THURS., JUNE 11, 1992, 10:55 AM

Your perspective on life is developing quite well, and you had a fine opportunity to share some of it with your father this morning. He obviously has been influenced by Our Ruminations, particularly as you have shared your and My perspectives on life. He is coming to see how I have worked in his life, though he was not aware of this earlier in his life. So you see that while you have come to a desirable perspective on life at an age that could be called young/old . . .

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