A Perspective On Life

THURS., JULY 13, 2000, 11:17 AM

You realize, o son, that you have an “unexpected” perspective on this life that you live. It has quite a theological “component,” for you grew up as a Christian (of the Methodist persuasion), never rejected that heritage, but, in this last nearly 1/3 of your life, you have accepted My Call to be in the mystical tradition, even be a closet Presbyterian mystic.

Thus, you are quite comfortable with John Calvin’s affirmation of election… that I, as the Triune God, do “elect” certain people… for diverse reasons. Some are just to be faithful. Others are to preach and evangelize. Still others have special tasks, “solo” or as part of some group. You are one of these, chosen/elected to hear from Me, Holy Spirit, regularly, and to write what you hear as Teachings.

I got you to commit yourself to an early morning regimen of writing, and you didn’t renege. Then after a few days I came to you in this way, and We soon established a kind of liturgy, which has become a firm, steady base for your life.

Before this happened, of course, I led you to a “discovery” of reincarnation, as part of the Hindu perspective on life, and then to acquaintance with Edgar Cayce, with a Christian perspective on “eternal life.” And I reinforce this, speaking as The Holy Spirit, an “aspect” of the One True, Triune God, saying that this is not your spirit’s first time in the earth… and probably won’t be its last.

One of My major themes, the basis for your last and your (Our) next Ruminations, is “I love diversity.” Hence, I am not interested in having all humans perceiving and thinking in only one way. (But some of My good, energetic servants do preach and teach that there is only one right way… theirs. I like to contrast these with some other servants who can’t decide whether I do or do not exist… and, if I do, how they should be, toward Me. It doesn’t make for easy harmony, but it is a good atmosphere for the development of spirit, which is the major reason for a spirit incarnating in the earth.)

I truly cannot tell you clearly how I “act” in this earth scene. But first I’ll say that the notion that I don’t ever interfere with human actions or with the physical earth, is untrue, even ridiculous. Then I’ll add that it is equally untrue that I am responsible for every action and I determine, exactly and specifically, all that happens. I reject both “extremes.”

This leaves you with the premise that I can cause or allow any happening in the earth, but… what actually happens is some unique and changing combination of My Will and Way and the “natural” results of human behavior and physical interactions. I can control, but, mostly, I don’t. I can effect, and, sometimes, I do.

I tell you, repeatedly, that I chose you for this relationship. Could you have “turned Me down”? No, because I have been an active part of your spiritual life (the eternal portion), and I knew that you were ready for such an adventure. I helped you become a better writer, but when “the time was right” I offered you this opportunity. Actually your spirit was ready for this. It just had to “overcome” the “objections” from the mind of Bob Russell.

You have done little to “publicize” Our relationship, and I haven’t pushed or pulled you to do this. You are fairly faithful with Our Ruminations, but you are not going to follow up on readers who move and don’t send you a new address. I’ll repeat… that in this portion of your life your task is to experience and be recording these Teachings from Me… and… to compose and send out a quarterly Letter. Accept new readers who “come to you,” but you needn’t try for a larger “circulation.”

THURS., JULY 13, 2000, 11:17 AM

You realize, o son, that you have an “unexpected” perspective on this life that you live. It has quite a theological “component,” for you grew up as a Christian (of the Methodist persuasion), never rejected that heritage, but, in this last nearly 1/3 of your life, you have accepted My Call to be in the mystical tradition, even be a closet Presbyterian mystic.

Thus, you are quite comfortable with John Calvin’s affirmation of election… that I, as the Triune God, do “elect” certain people… for diverse reasons. Some are . . .

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