A Police Action?

MON., DEC. 7, 1992, 6:06 AM

When the stress of this end of the term time has abated you shall sit at this desk and compose a Ruminations letter, with My help. It shall deal with some of My thoughts, offered to you, about the present political and economic scene, in your country and for the earth, in general. In one way this will seem rather strange, for repeatedly I have told you that you are not called to prophesy about how the earth, its diverse peoples, and I shall be in the future. So these assembled pages of your interpretations of My words shall not be predictions or assertions about what shall be, but rather these are comments on what is and what has been, which bode in some ways toward a future.

Your nation will, this week (or so it is planned), begin a unique police action, at least for this era in which you have lived. Military personnel will enter a country uninvited, because there is no government that can invite or not invite. The objective is an almost purely humanitarian one – make it possible for donated food to reach those starving people for whom it is intended. This operation, with the military serving in a police capacity, will undoubtedly result in some deaths, but far fewer than would have come with increased starvation. Those dying will just be different.

Yet your ecological slogan may be applicable in this situation: you can’t just do one thing. Can the good that is envisioned be accomplished? in what span of time? Shall it be seen by some as a white, colonial action? What will happen when “the police” go back home? If the action is apparently successful will you be “forced” to do similar “police work” in other nations, fighting within themselves? I pose these questions for your consideration, even as I have a rather good picture of what will happen. But if I told you, that would be prophesy, now wouldn’t it?

I like to see nations helping nations, rather than fighting one another. Yet I also like diversity, and diversity inevitably creates some conflict, and conflict often escalates into bloodshed and shortened earth lives. How can I tolerate such results? Well, from My perspective the actual conflicts are minimal, given all of those possible. I see many diverse groups getting along with each other rather well… some even quite productively. This is pleasing, and it does greatly overshadow the few gross conflicts.

If this view prevails in the country of Somalia, your troops shall experience only slight opposition, as compared with those who cooperate and get along with your personnel and with each other. I approve of the food being given so that some starving people may survive. Yet I would like to see some sacrifice involved, for your country wastes much food. It will be interesting to see how all of this action is paid for and whether there is willingness to share the cost or whether the money will be borrowed, leaving a larger debt for generations ahead. It is an interesting political and economic endeavor. I am working in it, but only in and through individual lives.

On this date I shall also mention another “police action,” now 57 years back in history. The Island that later became your home was attacked by a well armed and organized military force. Your nation decided, quickly, to join the War, and it continued for nearly 4 more years. You have often noted the strange result, these many years later – the two defeated nations now strong and competitive, but not militarily aggressive. Your country, the principal victor, seems to be strong, though it has some definitely “shabby edges.” The action was successful in that there is no major world size conflict brewing or imminent.

MON., DEC. 7, 1992, 6:06 AM

When the stress of this end of the term time has abated you shall sit at this desk and compose a Ruminations letter, with My help. It shall deal with some of My thoughts, offered to you, about the present political and economic scene, in your country and for the earth, in general. In one way this will seem rather strange, for repeatedly I have told you that you are not called to prophesy about how the earth, its diverse peoples, and I shall be in the future. So these assembled . . .

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