A Positive Look At Easter

SUN., APR. 16, 1995, 5:43 AM

Why this title? Easter has a very positive feeling, both theologically and seasonally. Particularly when the celebration is in mid-April, as it is this year, the air is warm, the trees are in bloom, and the positiveness of Spring is taking away the negativity of the Winter season. For you Christians this is the first day of a new week, with resurrection taking over from arrest, trial, death by crucifixion, and sorrow. So… isn’t Easter always a positive celebration?

You respond less and less well to the pre-Easter focus on betrayal, a sad and serious Last Supper, My passivity as the Christ, and the stark reality of death, nailed to a cross. To you it seems less and less necessary to “remember” these negative events… when you know, from years of experience, that the result is resurrection and continuing life. Do I seem to be affirming that you can and should view the recalled events in this way? Continue to hear Me, o son.

Was I ever dead? Well, as Jesus My body died, but this simply freed My spirit, the Spirit that is Holy and that is the essence of Me as Almighty God, the Father God. I had decided to take bodily form, even to be born as a baby in a particular place, at a particular earth time. I then grew and developed into an earth man, who ate, walked, talked… and yet had powers of healing, even from death. I was a man, but a rather extraordinary one. Yet, except for the healings and the provision of food when little seemed available, I displayed supernatural powers very seldom. In a sense I was “trapped” in an incarnated body and bound by its restrictions, as you are now.

I didn’t live to the time when the body would have problems, such as you are beginning to experience. And I didn’t live to a time when My mind could no long function fully and predictably… forgetting names and recent events and telling the same stories over again. I left the body when it still worked well and was not a “drag” upon My spirit.

I tell you that as body functions diminish your health becomes more the health of your spirit. This is Truth, but it is hard to apply, as your father is experiencing. The pressures of deficiency and responsibilities are keeping his spirit from growing and soaring, as it should.

Now on the cross I had pain, but I also had a supremely powerful spirit, which could take care of the pain. I had a few moments of anguish, but mainly I was living My life out quite fully and positively. I would soon be free of the body, and that was quite a positive expectation.

I had been Spirit from “the beginning,” which was way before time. I willingly became the man Jesus, and I willingly left that form to be Spirit once again. I was given, then, the rather unique opportunity of still utilizing My body, recognizable and unrecognizable, solid and yet not limited to what bodies can normally do. That was a unique, fun experience. Some humans have had the experience of a spiritual form of body, after death, but not in the complete way that I did. That was a fine experience, a little “extra” added to My earth life.

SUN., APR. 16, 1995, 5:43 AM

Why this title? Easter has a very positive feeling, both theologically and seasonally. Particularly when the celebration is in mid-April, as it is this year, the air is warm, the trees are in bloom, and the positiveness of Spring is taking away the negativity of the Winter season. For you Christians this is the first day of a new week, with resurrection taking over from arrest, trial, death by crucifixion, and sorrow. So… isn’t Easter always a positive celebration?

You respond less and less well to the pre-Easter . . .

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